Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1891 The folding bed collapsed!

Qianqian Novel Network

"Hey, Gong Jue, what are you doing?"

"I'm doing it!"

"Gong Jue, no...well, I mean it's already daytime now, ah——! Do, it's not good to do this..."

"Didn't you say you want to comfort me? Woman!"

"But I didn't say to do this in this way...on a folding camp bed, um...what's going on..."

"It's the folding bed that's interesting! I've wanted to do this for a long time!"

"It's not... um... Jue... um——!"

Gu Qiqi could no longer speak complete words.

The world was spinning, and the folding bed made a violent shaking sound, which made her worry all the time that Gong Jue would collapse the folding bed!

He didn't want to pay attention to the treacherous waves and clouds in the imperial capital, the complexity and unpredictability of people's hearts, and even his own poison. He just wanted to love the little body under him with all his strength, heart and soul...


Gong Jue, Gu Qiqi and Wu Er rested for three full days on the Hanbeiling battlefield before setting off back to the imperial capital.

Wu Er kept complaining about the poor conditions of the camp and that there was no place for him to conduct medical experiments. He had been urging the two of them to set off three days ago.

But Gong Jue didn't seem to be in a hurry at all, he just stayed in the tent with Gu Qiqi all day long.

When I get tired of asking questions, I just say, "I'm not in a hurry, why are you in a hurry?"

Ever since he learned that he might be poisoned, Gong Jue became calm and evil.

At least, he is not a wolf by nature, nor is he born to transform into a wolf, right?

It's just poisoning. Isn't this much more optimistic than having the blood of a beast in his bones?

So, what is he anxious about?

The stupid woman is by his side again, and he can't wait to live like a year.

If she returns to the imperial capital, she has to be her Beigong Princess and raise her biological daughter with Beigong Mingtian. How can she have time to deal with him?

Thinking like this, Gong Jue could not wait to lie with Gu Qiqi on a simple folding camp bed in the camp in Hanbeiling for the rest of his life, making love endlessly!

As everyone knows, Gong Jue's calm attitude simply made Wu Er scratch his head and try desperately to guess what the two of them were hiding in the tent.

It's not like playing "jump" together or recording a "TikTok" or something like that, right?

After finally urging the two of them to set off, he was still alive, so he asked gossipingly: "Gu Qiqi, aren't you the princess of Beigong Mingtian? What will happen to your affair with Gong Jue when you return to the imperial capital?" Are you going to become the first divorced princess in the history of the Beigong family? I guess the Beigong family will not let it go!"

Gu Qiqi pretended not to hear: "..."

What a spoiler!

Gong Jue's face darkened: "You know too much, Wu Er. People who know too much usually don't end well in the end."

Wu Er: "..."

Damn, threaten me! Then do you know that those who threaten His Highness have no medicine to eat!

I was depressed all the way. Wu Er had never won a fight with these two people anyway.

Finally, after a long journey, we finally arrived outside the imperial capital!

Gong Jue took a deep breath and paused.

Master Gu Qiqi stopped. She understood very well what Gong Jue was worried about now.

As soon as he entered the city, he was likely to be arrested by a military court!

What's even more frightening is that the people in the Imperial City have probably been brainwashed by those in power, thinking that he is a beast and a murderer. How dare they come back?

I'm afraid that the melon-eating masses will form a team, carrying rotten eggs and watermelon rinds, preparing to "welcome" the former commander-in-chief... They are three days late than the main force. In these three days, who knows how the opposition will prepare? Why is it disgusting? Real girls are online services to help you find books and chat with you. Please use WeChat/Chat/Search/Search for popular online articles or rdww444, waiting for you to tease~

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