Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1892 The always domineering Sir

Qianqian Novel Network

When she thought of this scene, Gu Qiqi became worried for Gong Jue.

She didn't want Gong Jue to be severely humiliated after he had not returned for three years and made his official appearance in front of the public for the first time.

She couldn't help but suggest softly: "Jue, let's go through the back city gate, there are few people there."

However, Gong Jue's expression has returned to his original state: "If I want to leave, just go through the main entrance! Tell these bastards openly and honestly that I am back!"

Gu Qiqi sighed. It seemed that her man's domineering temper would never change in this life.

That's all, even if there was a thief who wanted to humiliate him, she would just protect him.

No matter what you face, bear it with him!

Making up her mind, she held his hand tightly and stepped into the city gate side by side with him!

Behind him, Wu Er was panting and carrying a large sack: "Hey, can't you two slow down a little? Considering the medicinal materials that His Highness is carrying, and those damn skulls and bones..."

In the sack, there were also dead bones that Gu Qiqi had promised to bring back for DNA analysis. He almost died from exhaustion along the way!

As soon as the city gate opened, the three of them stepped onto the main road into the city.

The military vehicle on the road had long since run out of gas and was left on the side of the road. There was no transportation at the moment, so the three of them walked all the way.

However, I just left not long ago!

Suddenly I heard a noise in front of me!

"Coming, coming, they're coming!"

"Hurry up, let's get into formation quickly!"

"Are you all ready? As soon as everyone arrives and crosses this road, we will launch——"

The sound of thin conversation penetrated into Gu Qiqi's eardrums.

She now has the strength to aspire to the blue level, and her spiritual consciousness is naturally much sharper than that of ordinary people. She can hear the distant conversations clearly even if she deliberately catches them.

What are these people preparing for? Was it someone who intercepted Gong Jue halfway and wanted to embarrass Gong Jue?

Or... assassination?

Otherwise, how can we say the word "launch"?

Gu Qiqi became a little wary.

Gong Jue did not bring Snow Wolf into the city. If there was an ambush soon, she would not care about her face and let the army of dead souls come to deal with these guys. Anyway, she had noticed that there was a large cemetery nearby, and there were many ghosts!

After making up her mind, Gu Qiqi's heart beat faster, and Gong Jue, who still looked very calm, continued to move forward.

Turning a corner, finally, the most prosperous Kinmen Street in the imperial capital is right in front of you!

And those people who were whispering finally turned into a noisy crowd in an instant!

Why, there are still a lot of people coming to cause trouble?

Before Gu Qiqi could check clearly, she heard a series of violent salutes fired into the sky!

Immediately afterwards, the crackling and gorgeous fireworks continued to bloom on Kinmen Street.

The joyful sound of gongs and drums was struck at the right time, and the whole street felt like the most lively New Year in the imperial capital.

No, it’s more lively than New Year’s Day.

Because every household is celebrating at home, but at this moment, there is a huge crowd on the street. It can be seen that they are coming from all directions. There are fashionable city people and simple country people. Of course, there are indispensable soldiers in military uniforms. Brothers, and the military doctors in white robes!

"Welcome home, Sir!"

"Sir, come home!"

"Sir, come home!"

The level of support and cheering from the crowd is comparable to that of a presidential election or a king's enthronement.

Gu Qiqi looked at the crowd in disbelief.

Are these all for welcoming the palace lord?

Do the people of the imperial capital sincerely welcome Gong Jue's return and are not afraid that he will become a werewolf and beast?

Just when she looked surprised.

A discordant and harsh voice came to my ears: "Get away from me! Who allowed you to gather in a crowd to make trouble? Gong Jue is a murderer and a fugitive. We are ordered to arrest him. Anyone else, please get away! Otherwise, I will The accomplices in crime will be punished!”

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