Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1893 Tit for tat!

Qianqian Novel Network

Gu Qiqi raised her eyebrows slightly and saw that the people coming were a group of men wearing the uniforms of the Commander-in-Chief's Mansion.

Commander-in-Chief's Mansion? Aren't they Wu De and Wu Tianxiong's brothers, people under the new commander-in-chief Wu Chi?

Haha, the action is so fast!

This was because Gong Jue was sure to show off his power as soon as he returned to the imperial capital, and then take the opportunity to avenge his two younger brothers for being punished!

Since when have traitors become so arrogant? !

Gu Qiqi's eyes turned cold, and she instinctively took a step forward to stop these people from taking Gong Jue away.

It is really ironic to say that at this moment, on the bustling Kinmen Street, on one side, the people of the imperial capital lined the streets to welcome him warmly; on the other side, there were cold orders to fight or kill him in a business-like manner.

The contrast is so stark!

The people in the commander-in-chief's office looked Gu Qiqi up and down, but did not recognize her as the princess of the Beigong royal family. They said in a contemptuous tone: "Where is this woman from? Why don't you get out of here? Do you know that obstructing the execution of official duties is a heinous crime?!"

Gu Qiqi spoke coldly, tit for tat: "Performing official duties? Do you have an arrest warrant?"

The people in the Commander-in-Chief's Mansion choked and became angry: "Why do we need arrest warrants to arrest people? Huh, what a joke! The golden signboard of our Commander-in-Chief's Mansion is our token, and we, Commander Wu, can arrest whoever we want!"

I thought that my resounding words were quite powerful and shocking.

Unexpectedly, as soon as these wild words came out, there were boos all around!

The melon-eaters couldn’t stand it and complained one after another——

"Haha, the current commander-in-chief is really stupid. He actually said such brainless words. Our empire is a country governed by the rule of law. How can we just say someone is guilty and arrest someone if we say they are guilty?"

"That's right, I miss the time when Sir Alex was here. Sir Alex always acted impartially and would not bully others! If he wanted to bully, he would only bully our enemies and the foreign thieves who invaded us!"

"What the hell are these bastards in the Commander-in-Chief's Mansion now? They are worthless things!"

The people in the Commander-in-Chief's Mansion were scolded by the melon-eaters until their faces turned blue and white, and they were very shameless.

The man at the head, knowing that he was wrong, glanced around and saw that there were soldiers and military doctors in the crowd. He suddenly seemed to have caught something special: "Gong Jue, you are not only a fugitive, but you are also on the Hanbeiling battlefield. You killed our generals and tried to instigate our soldiers, and now you actually instigate them to come to greet you? What a big deal! You are committing serious treason. It is natural for our commander-in-chief to arrest you! Humph, look, your Who are these idiots? These soldiers have been demoted to the third level, deprived of military honors, and deducted military pay for three years! Being supported by these soldiers with serious crimes, you are not a good bird!"

He thought he had caught Gong Jue's pain point and evidence of his crime.

As everyone knows, Gong Jue, who was originally calm, became angry when he heard that these soldiers who fought side by side in Hanbeiling were actually sentenced.

Demoted to third class?

Deprived of military honors?

Deduction of military pay for three years? !

Those who are riding horses are too shameless!

They clearly won the battle, wiped out half a million enemy troops, and protected the empire's borders, but they actually became guilty people?

They were guilty of slandering Gong Jue, but Gong Jue looked down upon them, but the men who slandered Gong Jue were guilty, and Gong Jue couldn't bear it!

I just heard Gong Jue's cold voice: "I am indeed not a good bird. I specialize in killing worms like you who eat the inside out! You have even slandered the soldiers who defended our country and resisted foreign enemies. I'm afraid this empire will be destroyed by worms like you." It’s empty!” A real lady online service will help you find books to chat with you. Please use WeChat/Chat/Search/search for popular online articles or rdww444, waiting for you~

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