Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1904: Sir Alex is getting better and better at flirting!

Qianqian Novel Network

Gong Jue's words "This brother is not that brother" finally made Gu Qiqi realize later that the so-called "coaxing my brother to sleep" was such a shameless phrase!

Will I ever be able to look directly at the word "brother" innocently again?

Gu Qiqi was shy and slightly angry: "Gong Jue! If you act like a gangster again, I will withdraw your bail pending trial! I think you should go back to the Imperial Prison tonight to react properly!"

Gong Jue's thick eyebrows were raised, and he quickly approached her again, and blew a breath in her ear, very charmingly: "Stupid woman, can you bear it?"

Gu Qiqi: "..."

When did this guy become so attractive!

We haven't seen each other for three years. He is in the mountains of Hanbeiling with wolves, and he has no contact with any women at all. Yet he is getting better and better at flirting?

Gong Jue naturally took her into his arms and said, "Good boy, smile. If you get angry again, you will get wrinkles..."

Gu Qiqi glared at him angrily: "Why don't you go back to the Gong family?"

There was a flash of uneasiness in Gong Jue's eyes, and he told the truth: "I am timid in my hometown. I don't want them to suffer and worry about me until the matter comes to light."

Gu Qiqi was a little moved.

The essence of this man has not changed. He always likes to do everything by himself.

Although under his own guidance recently, he has been able to make some changes and occasionally let her take on the responsibility for him, deep down, he still likes to take care of everything and do everything on his own.

It can be said to be very chauvinistic!

Sighing softly, she softened her tone and said, "You go back to Mo Garden first. If I'm free... I'll visit you."

Gong Jue's eyes were a little disappointed. He didn't expect that when he returned to the imperial capital, the two of them wouldn't be able to get along day and night, as intimately as they did in Hanbeiling.

If he had known this, he really wanted to spend the rest of his life with her in the snowy field, just the two of them and the snow wolf who never got in the way.

But he also knew that returning to the imperial capital meant returning to a world full of humanity.

She and he have too many ties, too many family members and friends to take care of, and it is not enough to only consider each other in everything.

"Okay." He finally agreed in a dull tone, but in an instant he began to expect, "When will you come to see me?"

Gu Qiqi: "..."

Why was Gong possessed at the age of three before it was time to wake up?

Helpless, I could only coax him like a three-year-old child, and promised him: "As soon as I have time, I will go to Moyuan to find you, okay?"

"Then you have to hurry up. Otherwise I will come to your door... Are you living in the Beigong family's manor now? I don't care about Beigong or Nangong. Anyway, I just broke in if I wanted you, even if you and Beigong Even if Mingtian is sleeping in bed, I will drag you out of bed!"

Gu Qiqi was ashamed, this stupid man was getting more and more outrageous...

When did she sleep in the same bed as Bei Gong Mingtian?

Please don’t be too imaginative!

After being pestered by Gong Sansui and promising for a long time, Gu Qiqi was able to escape.

Otherwise, what else can she do? Gu Qiqi is also very desperate. If she doesn't comfort him, he will go back to Beigong Manor with her tonight to "greet" Beigong Mingtian and Beigong Niannian. Do you need to find the latest chapters by yourself when reading a book? You are OUT, follow the public account on WeChat: Youdu Literature or the suduwx beauty editor will help you find books! You really can do both reading and flirting with girls!

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