Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1905: Someone covered his mouth forcefully from behind

Qianqian Novel Network

However, when Gu Qiqi thought about it, if Gong Jue knew Beigong Niannian's identity, she might not be calm anymore. She didn't know what he would do to rock the roof, or maybe just openly remove Niannian from the royal family. If you snatch it out, it will make the Beigong royal family look bad, which will be difficult to deal with.

It's better to take it step by step and tell him slowly when the time is right.

The most urgent task is to collect evidence and settle the matter of trial...

Gu Qiqi made up her mind and returned to Beigong Manor overnight.

The Beigong royal family originally had only one villa in the imperial capital for royal members to stay during temporary visits.

Since Beigong Mingtian's wedding three years ago, the royal family directly purchased a large piece of land and built a beautiful manor.

It is dreamlike and fits the girlish heart of a little girl like Beigong Niannian.

When Gu Qiqi stepped into the manor, colorful lights everywhere in the garden, which had been dark just now, suddenly lit up!

On the steps of the garden path, Beigong Mingtian, who was wrapped in a thin cashmere sleeping blanket, was holding Beigong Niannian, one big and one small, in his hand, who was carved in pink and jade, standing there to greet her.

"Mommy!" Xiaobao was the first to rush over, not reserved at all.

His little head suddenly arched beside her legs, and his arms like lotus joints hugged her tightly.

Beigong Mingtian walked over slowly, without saying anything, and just put the thin cashmere sleeping blanket on Gu Qiqi's body silently.

At this moment, Gu Qiqi actually felt a little guilty!

I feel like a bad woman who had an affair outside, woo hoo!

No, her spirit will break if this continues. It’s time for her to talk to Beigong Mingtian about the issue of raising Nian Nian, as well as the issue of separation and separation from the royal family...

As if he could see the thoughts in Gu Qiqi's heart, Beigong Mingtian's back stiffened and he said: "Qiqi, Nian Nian heard that you returned to China, and I can't sleep tonight. You... accompany her well first. ?I asked the servant to put hot water in your bathroom and your favorite plant essential oil. You can also relax... As for Gong Jue's matter, our Beigong royal family will try our best to help him as long as we can. , don’t worry too much, there are some things that are not convenient for you to come forward, just leave them to me and let me run the errands.”

Listening to Bei Gong Mingtian's sincere words, Gu Qiqi's idea of ​​​​breaking off the relationship was suddenly blocked in her throat.

I can't speak.

Bei Gong Mingtian took good care of Nian Nian so well and cared about himself meticulously. He even carefully prepared his favorite essential oil in his bathroom. He even learned that Gong Jue had returned to China. He didn't have a trace of disgust, rejection or jealousy, but instead devoted himself wholeheartedly to Gong Jue. For the sake of Gong Jue, she is willing to do her best to get Gong Jue out of crime... How can she, a friend who has given her heart and soul to her, have the nerve to come up and say directly, let's put aside the relationship and return Nian Nian to me, and we will have nothing to do with each other in the future, right?

Can she say that?

What a headache!

Beigong Niannian was also jumping around: "Mommy, I want to take a bath with you! Mommy, I also want to tell you the little secret from before! Mommy, let's go, let's take a bath quickly..."

Gu Qiqi could only wave to Bei Gong Mingtian and gave him the cashmere sleeping blanket: "Gong Jue's matter is more complicated. I have arranged people to prepare. The court will be held in a few days. I will go back to the room first, you Wear more clothes to avoid catching a cold! Little Nineteen will be worried!"

She bent down and picked up the little milk bag, and the mother and daughter went back to the bedroom whispering intimately.

In a corner of the garden, Wu Jiuwen rubbed his fingers, pouted, and muttered: "I'm not worried about that annoying guy! I'm only worried about you..."

She was sighing sadly and couldn't bear to disturb Gu Qiqi's mother-daughter reunion. She suddenly let out a soft "ah" and her mouth was covered forcefully from behind...! Do you need to find the latest chapters by yourself when reading a book? You are OUT, follow the public account on WeChat: Youdu Literature or the suduwx beauty editor will help you find books! You really can do both reading and flirting with girls!

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