Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1910: Crush Gu Qiqi’s 10,000 Streets of People

Qianqian Novel Network

Gu Qiqi brought Xiaotuanzi and Xiaobao to the hotel where Wu Er was staying.

Surprisingly, Wu Shijiu and Bai Lang were also there!

When Bailang saw Gu Qiqi, he still had an awkward attitude that he couldn't explain, but as soon as he saw the little milk bag, he immediately rushed over with great enthusiasm, raised his head high and asked with a smile: "I miss you little princess, I miss you this prince." No? Do you think I’m a lot more handsome after you haven’t seen me for a few days?”

Beigong Niannian curled her lips and said with a serious face: "Langlang Dabi, if you go around flirting with girls like this, your reputation will become worse and worse, and it will be very difficult to find a wife by then!"

Bailang: "..."

Damn, this little venomous person looks so much like Gu Qiqi!

He glared at Gu Qiqi resentfully: "You'd better stop taking care of the child. You've brought Nian Nian astray! Leave it to us to take care of Nian Nian from now on!"

Gu Qiqi said calmly: "Let a guy who can't even marry a wife help me take care of my children? I doubt whether this is reliable."

Bailang: "..."

Why didn't Gong Jue leave this woman in Hanbeiling! ! !

Bai Lang, who was despised, angrily returned to his room to mess with the bones of dead people.

The room Wu Er decided was the most luxurious presidential suite in the hotel. In addition to the master suite, there were four or five attendant rooms, which they used as a temporary laboratory for testing DNA.

At this moment, seeing Bai Lang coming back from the living room angrily, Wu Er asked casually: "What's wrong?"

Bailang had a good impression of this witch doctor brother he had just met, so he told the truth: "That woman Gu Qiqi is so shameless! She acts like a proud peacock all day long, and she feels uncomfortable if she doesn't quarrel with others! If all the women in the world follow her example, I think things are going to change today, and men will probably have to lie down and become slaves!"

Wu Er, who had been tricked countless times by Gu Qiqi and Gong Jue, felt the same way: "Really? I don't know what kind of drug Gong Jue took, but he just obeyed her words!"

Bailang suddenly felt that he had found a trustworthy confidant, and said with all his heart: "Hey, that's because our little Juejue has never been in contact with any women in his life, and has seen too little of the world! That's why he suddenly fell into Gu Qiqi can’t climb out of this hole!”

The corners of Wu Er's lips twitched a few times. Although he also felt that Gu Qiqi was a rip-off, Gu Qiqi still had her merits, and it was not entirely unreasonable for men to like her.

He couldn't help but defend Gu Qiqi: "Although her temper is a bit too much for men, her medical skills are still good."

When Bai Lang talked about medical skills, he remembered the scenes in which Gu Qiqi had cheated him as a "miracle doctor": sky-high price of donkey-hide gelatin, sky-high price of various rare tonics... and helping Chu Junmo to set up Lanting to trick him. Half of the championships belonging to Mr. Ye were taken away at the World Medical Competition!

However, in every competition in medical skills, he was no match for Gu Qiqi.

Bai Lang curled his lips and muttered unconvinced: "Her medical skills are just average! Don't look at her arrogance in front of us. If she were in front of a real expert, she wouldn't be able to arrogantly. I have a friend who is better than me. She’s so much more awesome!”

Wu Er was curious: "Oh? Who is your friend?"

Gu Qiqi is already the most medical genius he has ever seen.

Is there a genius more awesome than Gu Qiqi? He felt sympathy for each other and wanted to see them.

Bai Lang said proudly: "My surname is Ye, my name is Ye Mu, we all respectfully call him Mr. Ye, he is so powerful, he can crush Gu Qiqi ten thousand streets! Who says men are inferior to women!"

Wu Er: "..."

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