Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1911 She is a monster that defies heaven

Qianqian Novel Network

Wu Er looked at Bailang in front of him and kept talking about his admiration for Mr. Ye.

He was stunned and his expression was indescribably embarrassing!

At this second, he seemed to see himself a few days ago.

He thought to himself, it's over, another innocent man who has been cheated by Gu Qiqi!

Yemu, Yemu, isn't it just Gu Qiqi's Gu character, the "page" on the right, and Gu Qiqi's Qi character, the "wood" below, all combined into a random pseudonym? !

Of course, he was doing this with the benefit of hindsight.

Recalling that at the beginning, he thought Mr. Ye was a handsome man and couldn't help but pursue her for revenge. At one point, he almost suspected that he had been cheated on.

Seeing Bailang being kept in the dark and not knowing anything at this moment, he felt like he was seeing his once stupid self!

Well, this feeling is quite amazing.

At least it proves that I'm not the only fool in the world, right?

Therefore, Wu Er, with extremely complicated emotions, closed his mouth and listened carefully to Bailang's complaints about Gu Qiqi and his praise to Mr. Ye.

From time to time, he nodded and patted his shoulders to express approval.

That's right, he doesn't plan to tell this guy Bailang the truth!

Because, looking at Bailang's clueless look, he felt that his injured little heart was finally healed! Finally, someone who was also cheated by Gu Qiqi came to comfort his soul!

"Do you often meet Mr. Ye?" he asked.

Bai Lang felt melancholy: "He hasn't been out for a long time. But... I have a cooperation with his company, and our contact will never be broken. When he is free, I will invite him out for dinner so that you can get to know him. He is really outstanding, you will definitely appreciate him!" Bailang regained his confidence.

Wu Er's eyes became even more pitiful.

Stupid boy, another stupid boy who was deceived by Gu Qiqi's scammer and defrauded her of sex and wealth!

He looked toward the living room resentfully and saw Gu Qiqi's slim and beautiful back.

But I couldn't really hate Gu Qiqi in my heart.

After all, didn't he jump into this trap voluntarily?

Even if she is a monster that defies heaven, if he is not tempted, how can he be tricked?


Gu Qiqi suddenly felt her ears feel a little hot, and she didn't even know that she was being complained about by two grown men behind her back.

She listened carefully as Wu Jiujiu showed her the results from last night to today——

Most of the dead people's bones have been sorted out, and DNA sample testing and comparison have begun in the national sample bank.

The next step is to invade foreign DNA sample libraries for comparison. After all, Count Hef's mercenaries must come from all over the world and are not limited to the empire.

Once the DNA comparison results are available, it is time to contact the family members of the deceased. This step is actually the most time-consuming.

Wu Jiujiu suggested that if you can compare as many as possible, find a few witnesses first. If you complete the comparison, it will definitely be too late.

Gu Qiqi also fell into deep thought: "But only a few have been found, which does not mean that the deceased were all Earl Huff's men. At least the sample size must be larger to convince the public, right?"

Wu Jiujiu also bit his lip and admitted: "Yes. Otherwise, those cunning guys would definitely say that we bought DNA to make false evidence, or that the evidence is flawed, because a few people cannot deduce that the entire population of the village is from He." Under Count Husband. But Qiqi, the time is too tight, there are only less than three days before the trial. We can't compare the DNA of so many people, and it's impossible to find all their family members to testify in court..."

what can we do about it?

So urgent!

Wu Jiu was a little angry.

Gu Qiqi, on the other hand, was relatively calm. She lowered her eyes and thought for a moment, then said - when reading a book, do you still have to find the latest chapter by yourself? You are OUT, follow the public account on WeChat: Youdu Literature or the suduwx beauty editor will help you find books! You really can do both reading and flirting with girls!

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