Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1916 1 was accidentally slapped in the face!

Qianqian Novel Network

Seeing Xiahou Susu about to shake hands with Gong Jue, Gu Qiqi's heart suddenly thumped for no apparent reason, and she instinctively wanted to stop him!

Obviously, Xiahou's family and Gongjue have a deep relationship. Xiahou Susu's late father, General Xiahou, was also considered one of the more reliable members of Gongjue's subordinates.

Moreover, Xiahou Susu's slender hands were quite clean, and there seemed to be no problem at all - if she had smeared Heavenly Fairy on her hands, Gu Qiqi would not be able to miss it.

After all, today, she was on guard, specially activated the poison identification skill, and was always vigilant!

So what else does she have to worry about?

Gu Qiqi suppressed the strangeness in her heart and tried not to pay so much attention to Xiahou Susu.

The court is about to start, and no special outsider appears to poison Gong Jue. Today, it should go smoothly, right?

Gu Qiqi calmed down, but Xiahou Susu was not calm anymore!

One of her hands just stretched out and stayed in mid-air for several seconds.

But Gong Jue never responded!

He didn't even look at her, and he had no intention of shaking hands with her.

This is embarrassing.

If someone else had treated her like this, Xiahou Susu would have lost her temper long ago.

But, this person is a palace lord.

No one dared to get mad at Gong Jue.

Even someone with a bad temper like Xiahou Susu can only smile and remind: ""

The words have not yet finished.

Suddenly, a man rushed out from the direction of the bathroom, pushed Xiahou Susu away, and gasped: "Sir, I'm not late, am I? I, I, I wish you victory and kill those idiots. !”

"It's not too late. Adjutant Lu, why are you becoming less stable as you get older!" Gong Jue replied in a deep voice, but his face looked much better. He was no longer as cold as he was when he treated Xiahou Susu just now, and he even extended his hand proactively. .

Adjutant Lu, who hurried over, rubbed his hands and shook hands with Gong Jue, "Sir, I went to wash my hands specifically..."

As he said that, he glared at Xiahou Susu: "Miss Susu, you have forgotten that the lordship never shakes hands with women!"

Gu Qiqi's heart skipped a beat. Yes, she almost forgot just now. Gong Jue never touched other women, so it was naturally impossible for him to shake hands with Xiahou Susu. She was really worried for nothing!


Adjutant Lu, could you please look more clearly before you speak.

Gong Jue's other hand is obviously still holding my hand. Did you tell Xiahou Susu that he never shakes hands with women?

Ahem, ahem, isn't this a bit of a slap in the face?

"Okay, it's almost time, the court is about to start." She reminded softly.

"That's right, Sir, Miss Qiqi, we are all waiting in the auditorium to cheer you on!" Everyone said in a hurry.

The palace prince nodded slightly and walked forward.

Throughout the whole process, he didn't pay any attention to Xiahou Susu.

Xiahou Susu had a stiff smile on her face, but her heart had been stabbed countless times. Especially when she saw Gong Jue holding Gu Qiqi's hand tightly, the anger in her eyes became even stronger.

"Gong Jue, don't blame me for being cruel! As long as you restrain yourself in front of me, I will be more merciful. But, you insist on showing off your affection in front of me, so no wonder I made you embarrassed!" She said He screamed secretly in his heart.

Watched the two people leave.

Just when Gong Jue and Gu Qiqi walked to the witness stand.


Gong Jue's steps were slightly confused.

Gu Qiqi immediately felt keenly: "What's wrong?"

Gong Jue said nothing and pursed his lips tightly.

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