Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1917: The poisoner is so cruel

Qianqian Novel Network

Gu Qiqi's heart skipped a beat, and she realized that something must have happened to Gong Jue.

She followed him closely and whispered: "What's uncomfortable? Can I put on the gloves for you?"

Gong Jue took a deep breath and said "hmm".

Gu Qiqi was getting close to Gong Jue and putting on gloves for him, when she suddenly smelled a faint scent of heavenly fairy in his palms!

Obviously, when Gongjue and Xiahou Susu came face to face, they didn't have any in their hands!

How come it took just ten seconds to get infected?

Where did it get contaminated?

Judging from the richness of the taste, the angelica juice has been purified this time. Things like essential oils may have a weak taste, but the effect is stronger!

The poisoner is so cruel!

If her judgment is correct, Gong Jue may be poisoned within half an hour.

what to do?

Leave now?

Being absent from court is very serious. If the court is tried in absentia, it will be very detrimental to Gong Jue. He will have to endure the entire trial process no matter what.

However, the most common case takes more than an hour to be heard in court, not to mention how complicated Gong Jue's case was three years ago. It will definitely be impossible to finish it in just a few hours today. Even if you have to stay here all day, it will be impossible. It's not impossible!

Gu Qiqi took a deep breath, she had to make a decision quickly.

One second...

Two seconds...

Three seconds!

She raised her chin and said calmly to Gong Jue: "Jue, let's continue. If you feel that there is an obvious abnormality in your fingers or you can't bear it, tell me and we will leave immediately! Okay?"

Gong Jue has gradually become accustomed to the process of wolf transformation. He nodded slightly: "Okay."

The way the stupid woman Feng Feng Huohuo helps him arrange his itinerary is so cute.

To be honest, he is not afraid of anything!

Zuo was called a beast again, otherwise what new tricks could he have?

Gu Qiqi turned around and grabbed Wu Er, who was about to sit down in the witness seat: "Go and ask Adjutant Lu why he has a fairy in his hand. Go quickly!"

"Ah?" Wu Er looked confused, "What is the origin of Adjutant Lu?..."

"Stop talking nonsense and go quickly. Check it out for me. If you can't figure it out yourself, let Bai Lang accompany you!"

"Oh." Wu Er suddenly felt that he had resumed his identity as Gu Qiqi's little follower.

Damn it, he has no resistance at all.

Just do it.

One minute later.

In the men's restroom.

Adjutant Lu looked aggrieved and anxious: "What? You said something happened to Sir Alex? Someone poisoned him?"

"Don't worry about this for now. Please confess to me quickly. Why are there residues of henbane essential oil on your hands? Have you colluded with the enemy to kill the lord! Who is your master? Hurry up and confess!" Wu Er frowned. , he didn’t know Adjutant Lu and only treated him as a prisoner for interrogation.

Adjutant Lu was so aggrieved that he almost cried: "I only have two masters in my life, and I will never betray them!"

"Who is the other one?" Wu Er snorted coldly.

"It's the Duke's father!" Adjutant Lu answered honestly.

Wu Er: "..."

This spy is very dishonest, and it seems that he will have to be tortured before he confesses.

When Wu Er was gearing up to torture Adjutant Lu to extract a confession.

Bai Lang twitched the corners of his lips, pressed Wu Er, and took over the interrogation task: "Wu Er, don't be impatient. Adjutant Lu, don't be impatient either. I know you can't harm the Lord. So, the first priority now is , please recall, before you shook hands with Sir Alex Ferguson, who did you come into contact with, what did you do, did you encounter anything strange?" Do you have to find the latest chapter by yourself when reading a book? You are OUT, follow the public account on WeChat: Youdu Literature or the suduwx beauty editor will help you find books! You really can do both reading and flirting with girls!

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