Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1918: Vicious and cunning

Qianqian Novel Network

When Bai Lang asked, it became much clearer.

Adjutant Lu scratched his head and recalled: "I don't know if I ate the wrong thing today. As soon as I came to the court, I felt upset and went to the bathroom several times. But I didn't come into contact with any outsiders. I was always with a few of Sir Alex's old subordinates. , everyone was concerned about the Lord's case, and came here a few hours in advance to work together to come up with ideas... I didn't meet anyone in particular, nor did I do anything else special, nor did I encounter anything weird... "

Wu Er curled his lips and said, "Hmph, are you pretending to be loyal and honest, but actually hiding something from the truth?"

Adjutant Lu went crazy: "I really didn't! I am loyal to Sir Alex. Even when I shook hands with him, I was worried that my hands were dirty, so I went to the bathroom to wash them..."

Something suddenly flashed in Bailang's mind, and he raised his voice: "Stop arguing! Adjutant Lu, tell me again, which faucet did you wash your hands at just now?"

"That's it." Adjutant Lu pointed casually and said casually, "Everyone knows that I like to save trouble in everything. No matter what occasion I use something, I will always use the nearest one."

Bailang stepped forward to check, took out a handkerchief from his pocket, rubbed it hard on the handle of the faucet, then put it to his nose and sniffed.


Although he is not as good at identifying poison as Gu Qiqi.

But at least he is a senior and famous doctor.

You can still smell the henbane at a close distance.

Just to be sure, he handed the handkerchief to Wu Er for confirmation.

Wu Er heard it and nodded: "It's the fairy."

The eyes of the two gradually became complicated and solemn.

It was true that Adjutant Lu had the Heavenly Fairy in his hand, but this Heavenly Fairy was not applied by him on his own initiative, but by someone who applied it on the faucet of the men's restroom. He was sure that Adjutant Lu would come to use it, so he dug a trap in advance!

Maybe Lieutenant Lian Lu's frequent trips to the bathroom and diarrhea were intentional.

This is terrible.

What's even more terrible is that they continue to investigate who Adjutant Lu came into contact with, and that is all Gong Jue's old subordinates present today.

Except for Xiahou Susu, who was a woman and had no chance to come to the men's restroom, the other generals were all men and had countless opportunities to apply poison in the restroom.

However, those people are none other than our own people. I really can’t believe that there are such terrible conspirators among them.

Perhaps those people were also inadvertently poisoned and were just the transmitters?

Which one, specifically, accidentally became the messenger of this harm?

If we continue to investigate like this, where will there be an end?

Wu Er and Bai Lang both felt their hearts sink, and they clearly felt that the person who set this trap was both vicious and cunning!

Unfortunately, they didn't have more time to investigate one by one.

He could only write down what Adjutant Lu said and tell Gu Qiqi the truth, and then try his best to let Gong Jue continue to avoid contact with unnecessary people.

Bailang thought melancholy in his heart, poor Sir, not only can't touch women, but he can't touch men casually either...

in court.

The presiding judge had just read a long legal document from three years ago.

Just as he was about to ask Gong Jue to state whether he should plead guilty or plead guilty, Gong Jue said coldly: "Let's finish reading the second case."

The second case?

In addition to Gong Jue's old subordinates, as well as people from Wu Chi and the Commander-in-Chief's Mansion, many people watching the scene had no idea what the second case was about, and they all let out exclamations of exclamation. Real girls are online services to help you find books and chat with you. Please use WeChat/Chat/Search/Search for popular online articles or rdww444, waiting for you to tease~

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