Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1919: Little bitch, let you run wild!

Qianqian Novel Network

The presiding judge's eyebrows were twitching, and his mind seemed to be confused. Gong Jue kept this fact in mind.

He coughed twice: "Okay, I will also read out the second case that was jointly tried. It is like this. The palace prince reported to Commander Wu Chi of the General Office that he hoarded items to make money for the country and leaked military secrets to be a traitor..."

This sudden announcement immediately made the spectators in the courtroom so shocked that they almost jumped up from their chairs.

Gong Jue himself was in a lawsuit, and he had not been cleared of two charges of massacring the poor and treason, but he actually turned around and bit the new commander-in-chief. Is this a weird situation?

The people in the Commander-in-Chief's Mansion immediately stood up: "Don't believe the nonsense of Gong Jue, that beast. He is making a false accusation. Today the court will definitely give us a clean slate and let the villain who made the false accusation get the punishment he deserves!"

Audience: "Well, it turns out it's a false accusation..."

As soon as Adjutant Lu and others returned to their seats, they heard the people in the Commander-in-Chief's Mansion being so arrogant. They couldn't help but jump up and confront each other: "Who said that? Our Lord is aboveboard and aboveboard and never lies! It's you who are sneaky and you have a guilty conscience. Will it beep here?"

Audience: "Yes, it seems that this gentleman is right. If he is not guilty, why are you so anxious to clarify it in such a loud voice? Just wait for the verdict..."

Seeing the melon-eating crowd swaying left and right like grasshoppers, the popularity of the commander-in-chief's office became bad.

Taking advantage of the large number of people, they were about to continue to shout loudly to suppress the arrogance of Adjutant Lu and others. Suddenly, they heard a clear and indifferent female voice -

"So it turns out that there is no need for a judge in a court trial? Can everyone come out with the truth just by quarreling? It's interesting!"

Gu Qiqi said jokingly, half smiling.

The judge turned red and thick-necked after being said. He glanced at the people in the Commander-in-Chief's Office angrily and banged his gavel: "Shut up, everyone. Seriously! You are not allowed to speak in the court until it's time for you to speak. Otherwise, you will be kicked out of the court!”

The people in the Commander-in-Chief's Mansion were stunned and looked very ugly.

Wu Chi, in particular, was so gloomy that his face turned the color of ink.

Gu Qiqi smiled lightly, calm and relaxed.

Xiahou Susu, who was sitting in the auditorium, glanced at Gu Qiqi with a frown, and sneered in her heart: "Little bitch, let me let you be proud for a moment longer."

Anyway, within half an hour, the palace prince will definitely become poisonous and go crazy in front of the court, showing his wolf claws!

By then, no matter how sharp your teeth and sharp tongue are, it will be of little use!

Hum, little bitch, let me let you run wild!

The court fell silent, and the judge continued to announce: "First of all, please ask the plaintiff to make a statement, and ask the plaintiff's witnesses to present evidence!"

Gong Jue said in a deep voice: "Are they the accusers and witnesses in the first case, or the second case?"

The judge coughed violently several times and looked slightly embarrassed. Damn, he forgot that he was hearing two cases at the same time today!

"Ahem, cough, let's start from the first case in order." The judge pointed to the plaintiff, the prison guard who arrested Gong Jue and accused him of treason and prison escape.

However, most of everyone's eyes were focused on Gong Jue.

No one had looked carefully before, but now when they heard the judge's announcement, everyone realized that Gong Jue was not standing in the prisoner's seat at all, but in the witness seat.

what's the situation? !

"He is standing in the wrong place!" The people in the Commander-in-Chief Mansion were stunned just now. Now they managed to grab a little pigtail and shouted loudly with great pride, "According to imperial law, he should stand in the defendant's seat! Your Honor, I report Gong Jue to stand indiscriminately and disturb the order of the court!" The real lady online service will help you find books to chat with you. Please use WeChat/Search/search for popular online articles or rdww444 to wait for you~

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