Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1920: Trampling on Gu Qiqi’s IQ

Qianqian Novel Network

The judge rubbed his forehead with a headache.

Uh... there is indeed something wrong with Gong Jue's position...

It's so troublesome.

This case was inherently complicated. He prepared the information for three days, but something happened to his family inexplicably. The food rations for his own family, his sister's family, and his sister-in-law's family all ran out. He stayed up late and ran around begging his grandfather to sue his grandmother. I went to ask for this expensive baby food from the Queen brand, but I couldn't get a bite.

Nowadays, everyone is worried about family matters and work matters. During the court session, I encounter these careless bastards who always come out to cause trouble.

He really wants to beat someone up!

The judge scratched his hair irritably and was thinking about how to instruct the guards to take Gong Jue to the prisoner's seat.

Anyway, if Gong Jue doesn't obey, he will just... be kicked out of the court. Then the next situation will probably not be confrontational. Solving Gong Jue will also appease the big bosses in the commander's office. This is a good idea!

But before he could speak, Gu Qiqi once again took away his right to speak——

"It's you who are wrong." Gu Qiqi said coldly to the people in the commander-in-chief's office, "Our Lord, in the second case, was not only the informant but also a witness. There is nothing wrong with standing on this witness stand. However, If you insist on letting him go to the defendant's box, then please Wu Chi, please come out and go to the prisoner's box together - don't forget that Wu Chi is also the defendant in the second case! You'd better think about it!"

Gu Qiqi stopped talking and didn't say much, but her words carried an intimidating momentum.

The losers in the Commander-in-Chief Mansion were all covered in cold sweat.

Oh my god, this woman is really not easy to mess with. She thinks so fast, and in just a few words, she turns the spear and stabs them!

These people originally wanted to grab Gong Jue's pigtails to please Wu Chi, but they didn't expect that they ended up getting Wu Chi in. They failed to please Gong Jue, but instead made a mess, which was an embarrassing confrontation!

Wu Chi gave a few unsatisfactory subordinates a hard look, and finally said gloomily: "It's just a position, there is no need to change it. The people below are ignorant, let's continue the trial, judge."

"I hope Commander Wu Chi will continue to be so 'sensible' and not be too shameless." Gu Qiqi replied rudely, hiding the needle in her cotton.

Wu Chi?


Wu Chi was so angry that he glanced at Gu Qiqi even more gloomily, as if to say, what's the point of talking nonsense? If you have the ability, wait and see the evidence!

Huh, women are just a bunch of trash who can only spread their legs. When he is his opponent, he can only press them to the ground and rub them.

Gu Qiqi didn't even look at him, she just regarded him as nothing!

You are a shameless person, just a scumbag, you are not worthy to be my opponent!

The location turmoil quickly passed.

At the plaintiff's table, the prison guard showed the incriminating information about Gong Jue's imprisonment three years ago as requested by the judge - mainly the black material videos published online at that time, as well as the photographic evidence that Gong Jue escaped from prison that night and destroyed an entire floor of the prison. and the testimony of the prison officer on duty.

The presentation is over.

The people in the auditorium could not help but shake their heads and sigh: This evidence is too sufficient, it is impossible for the Lord Gong to overturn the case!

Today's case is expected to be decided soon.


As soon as the prison guard's evidence was listed, Gu Qiqi immediately applied to the judge to challenge the evidence.

Seeing Gu Qiqi acting so fast every time, Wu Chi squinted his eyes and said lazily and disdainfully: "Miss, what qualifications do you have to question? What is your status in attending the court session today? Gong Jue's lover ? Or are the kids just watching the fun and playing house?"

This is very humiliating.

It was simply trampling on Gu Qiqi's IQ in public. Real girls are online services to help you find books and chat with you. Please use WeChat/Chat/Search/Search for popular online articles or rdww444, waiting for you to tease~

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