Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1922: The soft rice is delicious and I am very satisfied

Qianqian Novel Network

Gu Qiqi's pretty eyebrows were slightly angry, and she gave Gong Jue a hard kick: "This lawyer's certificate is true. It's real. How realistic! You also look down on me and think I don't have the ability to get a lawyer's license, right?" "

Huh, don't even think about it, he has been gone for three full years.

In the past three years, if she had not focused on her medical skills and law, she would have been tortured and driven crazy by pain, loneliness and anxiety.

In order to thoroughly study his case back then, she specially obtained a double degree in law and obtained the lawyer's qualification certificate in one fell swoop.

The reason is that one day in the future, she can personally defend him. Even if he may not be alive, she will regain his innocence!

Stupid man, you don’t think she has this ability?

The corners of Gong Jue's lips twitched, and he coughed lightly and said in her ear: "My wife is very capable, and the soft rice is delicious. I am very satisfied."

Gu Qiqi glared at him with anger and laughter: "Who cares that you are satisfied?"

The two of them whispered softly and looked at each other as if they were not paying attention to the entire court.

Seeing this, the melon-eaters felt a mixture of emotion and envy in their hearts. Why wasn't his wife so close to him, and why wasn't his wife so awesome?

Amidst the envy, Wu Chi gritted his teeth: "Isn't he just a bad lawyer? Our commander-in-chief's office can hire as many people as we want. It's just a bird!"

He couldn't stand the way a woman behaves when she succeeds.

This world is supposed to be dominated by men, right? Haha, you should go home and serve your man!

She shows up here to steal the limelight from men. This kind of woman shouldn't exist in this world, and she shouldn't lead other women astray!

Therefore, his tone was particularly disdainful and vicious, and he especially looked down on the admiration and adoration of Gu Qiqi from the melon-eating crowd.

But he didn't notice that the faces of the five barristers he paid for changed behind him, as if they had eaten shit.

Is the bad lawyer considered a bird? Haha, if you have the ability, don’t invite us.

The five barristers felt very uncomfortable and did not have an attack because of their dignity.

Gu Qiqi was whispering to Gong Jue when she suddenly heard Wu Chi's shady remarks. She raised her eyes slightly and smiled half-heartedly: "A lawyer is nothing. Just like a doctor, it is my second profession. But... ...You just seemed to say that if I were a lawyer, you would be the president? May I ask Commander Wu, is the president also your second career?"

Gu Qiqi finished speaking.

The whole audience burst into uncontrollable snickering!

It was so hard for everyone to bear it, and they couldn't stop even covering their hands with their mouths.

After all, court discipline does not allow for casual laughter, but Gu Qiqi's "anti-general army" was really used very wisely! It’s really wonderful! Ha ha ha ha……

Even the judge was sitting in the chair, with the corners of his lips twitching violently several times, trying hard to hold back from bursting into laughter.

Being laughed at by everyone, Wu Chi looked extremely ugly.

This damn woman actually dared to exploit the loopholes in his previous words and humiliate her?

How come she doesn't have any of the gentleness, humility, tolerance, and clumsiness that a woman should have?

Who could get used to such an arrogant personality that is always fussy and retaliatory?

Men should let women like this, who don’t know what heaven and earth are, learn a lesson and let them understand what heaven is! What is their master!

His nose twitched a few times: "Gu, have you ever learned anything? You will be punished for being like this. You are not worthy of graduating from university, and you are not worthy of being a lawyer or a doctor. You -"

Wu Chi was about to teach Gu Qiqi a lesson and make the men present realize that they should not allow women to ride on men like this. However, before he could say a few words, he was interrupted mercilessly by Gu Qiqi. ——When reading a book, you still need to find the latest chapter? You are OUT, follow the public account on WeChat: Youdu Literature or the suduwx beauty editor will help you find books! You really can do both reading and flirting with girls!

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