Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1923 This is the dog he paid for

Qianqian Novel Network

"Wu Chi, I'm afraid you have mistaken your identity. As someone who has been reported and prosecuted for treason, if you speak to this lawyer with such an attitude, I am afraid that I will have to apply to the judge to ban you! You are talking too much nonsense!"

Gu Qiqi's cold tone was resounding.

Wu Chi's anger burned even more than three feet.

Damn it, this damn woman actually threatened this commander in chief?

"Why should you ban me?!" His current status in the empire is not ordinary. The palace lord used to be so awesome, and now he is working hard to become that awesome.

All he needs to do is say "I"!

However, Gu Qiqi didn't take him seriously at all and faced the judge directly: "Your Honor, what do you think?"

The judge nodded and knocked the gavel: "Defense lawyer Ms. Gu's suggestion is very reasonable. Commander Wu, you have been talking about content that has nothing to do with the case, and you have also used insulting words to attack the identity of the other lawyer, especially with The meaning of gender discrimination is clearly stipulated in imperial law. If this happens more than twice in court, you will be banned! Commander Wu, please pay attention to your words and deeds. This is the first time, so I will give you a warning first!"

Every word struck Wu Chi's ears, which was simply a great shame and humiliation.

He turned back to the five barristers he hired and said angrily: "Where does the law stipulate this? Are they playing tricks on me?"

The corners of the barristers' eyes twitched, and they despised Wu Chi in their hearts. In addition, Wu Chi, a young man, didn't respect them very much. He said that lawyers were nothing more than birds of prey, which had already buried their displeasure in their hearts.

At this moment, five people replied in unison: "What the judge and Ms. Gu said is true. I also hope that you will pay attention to your words and deeds, otherwise you will be banned and lose the lawsuit. There is nothing we can do to help you."

Wu Chi: "..."

Damn, this is the dog he hired with money. Why is Mao helping Gong Jue barking? !

But after thinking about it, being banned is not worth it.

He held back his eyes gloomily, and glared at Gu Qiqi angrily with a dark expression.

He and this damn woman are incompatible!

Both of his younger brothers were killed at the hands of her and Gong Jue. This was a life-and-death feud!

After Wu Chi was warned, Gu Qiqi slowly spoke and responded to the court's accusations: "Let's do it one by one."

"I just testified to the police that Gong Jue escaped from prison. I would like to ask, is the only evidence the prison's video surveillance and the female prison guard's own confession?"

The judge nodded: "That's right."

Before the prison guard responded, Wu Chi's men rushed to answer: "The video surveillance is not very clear? There is also the prison guard's witness. This evidence chain is nailed down. It is ironclad evidence. There is nothing to question!"

Gu Qiqi sneered: "You are not a professional lawyer, so don't embarrass yourself here!"

Wu Chi's subordinates were shocked, and he bared his teeth and said, "Haha, you are a professional? What do you think is wrong with this evidence?"

Gu Qiqi turned her eyes to the female prison guard: "Did you personally hear Gong Jue say that he wanted to escape from prison?"

The female prison guard was accidentally molested by Gu Qiqi, who was dressed as a man. She was so ashamed and angry that she wanted to die for helping the man who escaped from prison, so she was willing to testify in court.

However, she definitely didn't dare to give false testimony and answered honestly: "I didn't hear it."

Then he added vigorously: "But I saw it! I saw the palace prince and the people who came to rob the prison leave with my own eyes!"

Gu Qiqi slightly raised her lips: "Well, you saw them leaving, but are you sure that Gong Jue left with him voluntarily? I ask again, you just saw them leaving, did you see or hear Gong Jue take the initiative to say Is the scene about to leave?" When reading a book, do you still have to find the latest chapter by yourself? You are OUT, follow the public account on WeChat: Youdu Literature or the suduwx beauty editor will help you find books! You really can do both reading and flirting with girls!

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