Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1924: My sister is just teasing you on purpose.

Qianqian Novel Network

The female prison guard was confused.

This...this question sounds so tongue-twisting.

But when I think about it carefully, I really didn’t hear it.

On the day of the prison robbery, Gong Jue didn't speak to her at all. It was the playboy next to Gong Jue who was flirting with her and always played that kind of rogue way towards her!

She was so impressed by that man that she couldn't wait to see him again and eat him up!

She bit her lip: "I, I didn't hear Gong Jue say. But, but they left together, doesn't this prove that Gong Jue escaped from prison?"

Wu Chi and his men even mocked him again and again: "What lawyer? What profession? This is simply ridiculous! You don't even know how to ask the most basic defense questions, what kind of bullshit questions are you asking? The most idiotic questions! Video super clear It’s clearly shown that Gong Jue and others are gone, do you need to hear some bullshit to prove it?”

Gu Qiqi sneered: "The second time."

With just three words, the other party immediately shut up.

Damn it, is this damn woman serious?

I was so excited just now that I forgot about the fact that if you curse someone twice, you will be banned from speaking.

The judge... shouldn't be so stupid that he would care endlessly about such a trivial matter, right?

Wu Chi looked at the judge with a look that expressed help, threat, and determination to win.

However, the judge dodged his eyes and stuttered: "Well, it is the second time you attack a lawyer in court, Commander Wu Chi. I'm sorry, but this court must ban you. To ensure the effect of the ban, you must wear a mask." Face mask."

As he spoke, the bailiff took a step forward, holding a large black plastic mask in his hand. It looked like a gas mask worn by people with infectious diseases!

Damn it, are you serious?

Wu Chi frowned tightly.

He didn't understand the law at all. Even if he said he was forbidden to speak before, he thought it was just to scare him. How could he know that it was actually true, and the method was so weird.

If he is asked to wear a mask that prohibits talking in court, how will he behave if word spreads?

He won't even wear this idiotic mask!

His face was dark: "I don't want to wear it! Can you still force me to do it? I'm not a prisoner!"

Gu Qiqi then said calmly: "You don't have to wear it. It's very simple. Just get out and you don't have to wear it."

"You! You cursed me too!" Wu Chi seemed to have finally caught Gu Qiqi's weakness, snitching like a childish primary school student suing her teacher, "Judge, it's only fair that you silence her too. "

Gu Qiqi smiled slightly: "I'm sorry, I just scolded you, it already feels good. I banned you twice."

That's right, I just scolded you on purpose to have fun.

And then you are still stepping on the legal boundary. There is nothing you can do against me.

how? Are you angry?

I just like to see idiots like you angry and helpless.

"Damn it, you damn woman! You're playing tricks on me!" Wu Chi was angry.

Gu Qiqi smiled and said: "Three times. Your honor, maybe he really wants to leave the court."

The judge rubbed his forehead: "Commander Wu, if you continue to make trouble, this court will ask you to leave."

Although he did not dare to offend Wu Chi, the legal provisions were all strict. If he openly gave Wu Chi the green light and spread the word, his career as a judge would be over.

However, Gu Qiqi is really very capable. She can always catch Wu Chi's pain points when he violates court rules seemingly inadvertently, and he will hit with one hit!

He now truly believes that Gu Qiqi is a secretive senior lawyer!

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