Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1926: Master Qi’s awesome defense [2]

Qianqian Novel Network

Everyone's hearts were boiling: God, this female lawyer is so powerful!

Unexpectedly, he actually cut a road for her. With such unfavorable testimony and video, a possibility can be forced out - Gong Jue did not escape from prison, but might have been taken away!

After the audience marveled, there was a moment of silence.

Wu Chi desperately used his eyes to signal the lawyer behind him to quickly crush Gu Qiqi to death. He could not let Gu Qiqi's inference be accepted by the court.

What was being forcibly taken away?

That's absolutely impossible!

The lawyers had no choice but to question Gu Qiqi: "Lawyer Gu, you just said that Gong Jue was forcibly taken away. Do you have any evidence?"

Gu Qiqi said calmly: "Yes, Gong Jue himself can prove it."

Gong Jue, who had been watching the show leisurely for a long time with his eyes fixed on Gu Qiqi, then said lazily: "Huh? What do you want me to prove?"

Gu Qiqi pushed him: "Hurry up and tell everyone, what is the truth of what happened that day? Did someone break in deliberately and take you out forcibly? And you don't know that person at all, and that person used a conspiracy against you A trick to force you to leave?"

In a few words, Gu Qiqi gave Gong Jue all the outline instructions.

However, Gong Jue was not happy when he heard it?

Damn, who dares to take me away by force?

Tired of living?

Can I be raped casually?

"I'm not..." Gong Jue was about to speak angrily when he received a coquettish look from Gu Qiqi.

Stupid man!

Pig teammates!

Keep your confessions consistent! Don't cause trouble for me!

Otherwise, don’t even think about climbing into my sister’s bed tonight!

Gong Jue then changed his mind temporarily and followed the outline prompts given by Guo Qiqi: "I did not escape from prison voluntarily!"

"I am forced to ride on a horse!"

"I don't know the person who robbed the prison! He used a conspiracy to deceive me, saying that my family was critically ill and wanted to take me out. But when I found out, the man got angry and drugged me!"

"I don't even know how I got out of prison!"

"Anyway, after I woke up, I was thrown on the street, and then I was besieged for no reason. After that... I was drugged by that person and sent to the mountains of Hanbeiling. It took me three years to find my way back to the imperial capital!"

"I'm not escaping from prison at all, I'm being framed!"

"The person who framed me must be an enemy of the empire, a gangster with ulterior motives. He deliberately broke me out of prison, and then worried that it would be difficult to dispose of my body, so he just threw me to Hanbeiling and almost froze to death!"

"I, Gong Jue, will appeal for myself in the imperial court today - please help me find the robber, I must kill her Yaya!"

Gong Jue spoke plausibly, and with the encouragement from Gu Qiqi's eyes, even the details were vividly described.

That righteous emotion definitely doesn't seem like a pretense.

Most of the people in the court were moved when they heard this.

Oh my god, Sir Alex was actually wronged.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems true. If the Duke escaped from prison with one of his own people that day, how could he have left so many clues? Are the robbers too unprofessional?

Unless the other party deliberately left a clue to make everyone misunderstand that Sir Alex escaped from prison!

In the midst of the shock, only Gu Qiqi's eyelids twitched and the corners of her lips twitched.

What gangster?

The gangster is her, Gu Qiqi, okay?

So...Gong Jue, you bastard, are you looking for death with your last words——

What do you mean, "I have to kill her"?

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