Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1927: Master Qi’s awesome defense [3]

Qianqian Novel Network

Gong Jue took advantage of the opportunity of his impassioned speech to sneak in some private goods among the righteous words, but Gu Qiqi unexpectedly discovered it.

Looking at the little woman makes me angry.

He immediately cleared his throat and continued: "Finding the robbers is your business and has nothing to do with me. Quickly clear my name! All those bullshit evidences have been withdrawn by me! There is no need to put them here to be embarrassing!"

Wu Chi was very angry when he heard this.

Damn, why can Gongjue Mao curse people now?

Why was he banned after just a few curse words, and why was he wearing this ugly and poisonous mask?

He glared at the lawyers.

The lawyers explained to him nicely: "Although Sir Alex's words were rude and not directed at anyone in the court, he was just scolding the evidence. So the judge has no reason to stop him from having a different view of the evidence." ——Even if it is a scolding view. There is no basis in law."

Wu Chi: "..."

This commander-in-chief must find ways to amend this broken law when he leaves the court today!

Gong Jue and Gu Qiqi's chorus immediately turned the court situation around.

The people who eat melons are almost completely convinced that Gong Jue did not escape from prison, but was murdered by a traitor, and ended up being exiled to the bitter cold of Hanbeiling for three years. It is really not easy for him!

However, judges are still professionals after all.

He pondered for a moment: "Lawyer Gu, Gong Jue, your two objections are reasonable. But how do you explain that the person who robbed the prison has the same face as Gong Jue's friend Bai Lang?"

Gu Qiqi said calmly: "There are thousands of people in the world, and naturally there are times when they bump into each other. This is not surprising. Bailang had an alibi at the time, which is enough to prove that the person was not him. If you insist on continuing to question... then you can ask The female prison guard once again identified himself in court to see if the robber that day was Bai Lang!"


Is that gangster in court?

The female prison guard's breathing became rapid.

But why is your face so red? When she thought of coming into contact with that gangster again, shouldn't she want to bite him to death?

What the hell is a racing heartbeat?

When the female prison guard thought about what Gu Qiqi said to tease her, her mood suddenly became extremely complicated... She said "beautiful" and then "beautiful"... and shamelessly wanted to send her home.


When Bailang was called by Gu Qiqi and stood up.

The female prison guard was stunned!

Then he shook his head in disappointment: "It's not him..."

Even though the looks are 99% similar, the eyes are completely different!

This is the prince of the imperial capital who makes people feel nothing.

That one is a master of flirting with girls whose eyes can speak!

Unforgettable at first sight!

On the other hand, his temperament is somewhat similar to that of lawyer Gu.

The judge knocked the gavel again: "Please confirm again, are the robbers and Bailang the same person?"

The people from Wu Chi winked at the female prison guard desperately.

Success or failure depends on this, stupid woman, you must answer yes yes yes!

Only in this way can Gong Jue be dragged into the water and convicted!


After all, the female prison guard was loyal to the truth in her heart and shook her head firmly: "No."

Wu Chi was so angry that he vomited blood.

He wanted to say ten thousand mmp words but couldn't - as expected, women are all useless, idiots, idiots, a group of single-celled animals who only do bad things.


The stupid woman in his mind, Gu Qiqi, had directly overturned the first accusation - Gong Jue escaped from prison - with her clear and powerful logical chain and reasoning ability!

The judge announced: Gong Jue’s escape from prison is not established!

There was thunderous applause in the auditorium.

Everyone was unknowingly conquered by Gu Qiqi's defense talent.

Only the Wu Chi camp was gnashing their teeth and full of resentment - Gong Jue, in addition to the crime of escaping from prison, don't forget that you are also guilty of treason!

There is a clear black video of treason. It is impossible for you to get rid of the charges, right?

Could it be that those people are all puppets? Did he deserve to be killed? Hahahaha!

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