Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1928: Make the impossible possible!

Qianqian Novel Network

in court.

The minions in the Wu Chi camp all secretly mocked Gu Qiqi in their hearts, thinking that although Gu Qiqi had the ability to clear Gong Jue of the crime of escaping from prison, it was absolutely impossible for her to clear herself of the crime of treason.

The villagers who were killed back then were not puppets. Did they deserve to be killed?

When they secretly laughed, they didn't realize that it was really a blind cat that killed a mouse - they guessed it right!

The woman they were ridiculing wantonly did what she was best at in her life, which was to make the impossible possible!

Stupid men, if you underestimate any woman at any time, you will pay a heavy price!

As soon as the judge's first sentence was pronounced, Gu Qiqi immediately launched a second wave of counterattack: "The crime of prison escape is not established, and the crime of treason is even more groundless. Gong Juegui is the commander-in-chief of the armed forces. If he wants to commit treason, he has to commit suicide in countless battles." There is a chance to deliberately fail in exchange for a generous bribe from the enemy, but please check the history of the empire. In all these years, has the palace master ever lost a battle? If you find out once, I, Gu Qiqi, will apologize with my life! If you find out, Not even...hehe..."

Everyone suddenly looked extremely embarrassed and wanted to refute, but they really couldn't refute this one.

While the palace lord is on the throne, the empire has never lost!

This is a fact that no one can deny.

However, when Gong Jue heard this, he frowned and pinched Gu Qiqi's little waist in displeasure: "You are not allowed to fight for me in the future. Although soft rice is delicious, I am not the kind of woman who wants to rush in front and fight to the death." You coward! Why do you have to sacrifice your life to apologize? Why do you have to swear on your life to do this shit to me? Don’t say that again in the future!”

Gu Qiqi curled her lips and whispered: "Don't be narcissistic. Sister's life is very valuable. Who will fight for you? This is called dramatic effect, court strategy, psychological tactics, using power to suppress others, do you understand? Don't destroy sister A powerful and domineering aura!”

Gong Jue: "..."

Damn it, your lawyer’s complicated little Jiujiu, what kind of psychological tactics... I really don’t understand!

In Gu Qiqi's sharp and emotional statement, Wu Chi's men held it in for a long time before inciting their lawyer to come forward and weakly reply: "But Gong Jue killed people when he was not in command, even if he was in command There was no treason during his reign, but killing so many imperial civilians and serving the enemy before joining the army is also treason! That period of history cannot be erased at will, right?"

Gu Qiqi was waiting for these words, and her elegant voice, with an edge in it, continued to pour out: "Who said that your lordship killed the civilians of the empire? Which eye did you see?"

"Look, the video is so clear that everyone can understand it, right?" The corners of the other party's lips twitched.

Gu Qiqi said coldly: "Did you see the two big characters 'civilian' written above their heads?"

Cold sweat began to break out on the other party's forehead: "This...there is no need to write this. They are all in the village. What are they if they are not civilians?"

Gu Qiqi's smile was colder and more disdainful, and her eyes swept over the other person, as if looking at an idiot: "So, you should also be a 'no, no' man?"

The opposing lawyer's face turned red to the base of his neck when he was appraised like this in public.

Even a man can't stand this kind of comment, not to mention that the other person is a famous doctor.

"You, why do you say that I am... that one!" The other party's lawyer hurriedly argued, without even having time to think about why Gu Qiqi jumped from cross-examining in court to attacking his personal arsenal.

"Because you have been working overtime at the law firm for more than ten days in a row to work on cases, and you haven't slept with your wife for a long time because you can't lift her." A real lady is available online to help you find books and chat with you, please use WeChat/ Letter/search/search popular internet articles or rdww444 is waiting for you~

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