Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1929 The terrifying Master Qi, a fighter among lawyers!

No. 1, a fighter among lawyers!

"I...just because I didn't go home doesn't mean that I don't...can't lift!" The other party's lawyer was already sweating profusely.

Gu Qiqi seemed to be smiling but not smiling, but her eyes were extremely cold: "Then you have the small pill in your jacket pocket that can cure indigestion. Would you mind taking it out for everyone to see, eh? If there's nothing wrong with you, keep that pill with you. What are the therapeutic drugs for?”

When attacking the enemy, she was extremely cold and cruel, completely different from her elegant appearance.

The opposing lawyer was almost frozen to death.

Damn it, how did Gu Qiqi know about that medicine in his jacket pocket?

He does have that disease!

But he never dared to reveal to others that every time his wife asked him to pay for food, work, and food, he would feel nervous and anxious. In the end, in order to prevent his wife from finding out that he was not good enough, he had to make excuses to work on cases in a law firm every day to avoid his marital obligations. .

Gu Qiqi actually knew such a secret thing, something that even his wife didn't know about! He felt that he had underestimated just how terrifying this female lawyer was!

If this kind of thing was spread, it would be spread from ten to ten, and the terrible consequences would be to destroy his whole person.

This kind of rumor of not taking action is much more powerful than if he loses a case.

No, he absolutely cannot be defeated by Gu Qiqi.

He must insist on confessing that he doesn't have that kind of medicine, and it's not that... he can't do that.

He took a deep breath and covered his pocket: "I... Even if I have any medicine in my pocket, it doesn't prove that I am sick. Can't I bring medicine for my colleagues or relatives? You are not my doctor, so why do you think so? Is this medicine mine? Do you think I am sick? You must speak responsibly!"

He fought back sonorously and forcefully, thinking that what he said was very accurate and beautiful.

Gu Qiqi should...won't have another chance to expose him, right?


Gu Qiqi smiled.


very good.

I'm just waiting for your words.

She spoke coldly and suddenly changed the topic: "Don't be nervous, Lawyer Wang, I didn't judge that you must be sick. I was just making a metaphor. Gong Jue's case three years ago, the villagers in the so-called black material video, Isn't it like medicine in your pocket? Even if those villagers live in the village, it can't prove that they are Imperial people, let alone Imperial civilians. Couldn't they be an enemy country disguised as a country? You were not there , without personally testing their identities, why do you think they are civilians of the empire, and why do you say that the palace lord killed one of his own people? You must speak responsibly!"

Gu Qiqi spoke every word with very clear accent.

It was simply based on the rhetoric that Lawyer Wang used to defend his "no, move".

However, saying this was not enough, Gu Qiqi deliberately took care of the IQ of most people present and made her intentions clearer——

"In other words, Lawyer Wang, if you think you can convict Gong Jue of treason just based on a blurry video from more than ten years ago, then I'm sorry, but I can also dig out a box of no. Medicine, prove to everyone that you, Lawyer Wang, have that unspeakable disease. What do you think, do you want to prove it on the spot?"

The melon-eating crowd in the auditorium listened with great interest.

Damn it, Lawyer Gu is so awesome. He can actually make such a boring case so interesting. It feels so immersive and has a sense of plot. It makes everyone want to know immediately whether that thing in Lawyer Wang’s pants can be used for anything. !

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