Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1930 Master Qi strongly reverses the situation!

Qianqian Novel Network

Wu Er and Bai Lang were both in the audience, looking at each other without words -

Damn it, Gu Qiqi, this cheater, has reached a new level, it’s simply amazing!

This is probably the first swindling female lawyer in history who, with the words "no" and "raise", beat the other party's lawyer into silence and forced him to admit his defeat, right?

At this time, Gong Jue's face turned even darker. He gritted his teeth and said in Gu Qiqi's ear: "Stupid woman... what do you want?! No, are these two words your mantra?"

Humph, shouldn't these two words represent the sweet and beautiful memories between them?

He actually used this word to other men.

I can't bear it!

Gu Qiqi: "..."

She gave him an expression like "You childish devil, please stay away and don't disturb my performance. This is not just for you."

Then, he continued to raise his head proudly, curled his lips and waited for the opponent's lawyer's answer.

The little turtle looked at Gong Jue's expression of wanting to be angry but unable to express his anger. He snickered and secretly recited the famous tongue twister: "Fertilizer will evaporate; black fertilizer will turn gray; gray fertilizer will turn black; black fertilizer will turn gray and will volatilize. Ash fertilizer will evaporate and turn black..."

Hahaha, when our Master Qi shows his full potential, the fertilizer will evaporate, so who dares to stand in the way?

I have to admit that Gu Qiqi's performance is really awesome.

Ten seconds.

Just ten seconds.

Lawyer Wang, the leading lawyer on the other side, admitted defeat.

It's OK to lose the lawsuit, but you must not lose the man's reputation.

He gritted his teeth and replied to Gu Qiqi: "You... are right. We can't think those people are civilians just based on the video. The evidence... is indeed insufficient!"

After he finished speaking, he felt strangely calm in his heart, and he didn't feel sorry for Wu Chi's camp at all.

Haha, on the important matter of protecting oneself from committing adultery, what does it mean to kick away those pretentious people in Wu Chi?

Wu Chi didn't look down on him at all anyway, so he just regarded him as a bird lawyer.

Then he should deal with it impartially. Anyway, the evidence of what happened back then is indeed not valid enough, and a video really can't explain anything.

Lawyer Wang personally acknowledged Gu Qiqi's judgment, which was like killing one stone and causing thousands of waves to rise.

People who didn't know much about the law admired Gu Qiqi even more when they saw that Gu Qiqi had convinced the plaintiff camp.

They don't know whether the evidence is valid or not. They only know that Gu Qiqi beat the other party to the ground and made the other party admit that the evidence was insufficient!

Damn it, he was able to beat the other party's lawyer, and he was also an awesome male lawyer. Attorney Gu was so awesome.

Wu Chi was so angry that he was shaking all over.

It's a pity that he was put on a mute mask and couldn't make any sound at all.

The other lawyers in the Wu Chi camp were all headed by Lawyer Wang. Naturally, whatever Lawyer Wang said, they would follow suit.

Anyway, Wu Chi... haha, they don't really want to work hard for him.

Gu Qiqi withdrew her gaze with satisfaction and turned to the judge.

She knew that it would be easy to persuade the other party's lawyer and use the coercion she had already investigated to achieve her goal, but to really convince the judge, she had to have some solid information!

What is the dry stuff?

Then it can't be a simple analogy sentence, it can be done.

It must be conclusive evidence!

Her tone was calm but firm, and she said seriously to the judge: "Your Honor, the so-called dirty video of Gong Jue circulating on the Internet is not credible at all. What I just said is on the one hand, and more importantly, we have already found the person who was killed that year. The identity of the person - they are not civilians at all, we have evidence!" The real lady online service will help you find books to chat with you, please use WeChat/Search/search popular online articles or rdww444 to wait for you~

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