Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1931: 5 minutes later, Gong Jue became ill!

Qianqian Novel Network

The situation was suddenly turned around by Gu Qiqi in an instant!

What? So the dead person in the black material video was not an empire civilian at all?

Is Gu joking?

If they were not civilians, wouldn't the anger and curses of the people across the country against the palace lord become bastard slander and a blind frame-up?

The melon-eaters suddenly felt a big word "stupid" written ruthlessly on their foreheads.

It was even more shameful than when Gu Qiqi wrote two words "no" and "raise" on lawyer Wang's forehead just now!


If those people were not civilians, what else could they be?

There are nearly a hundred people in a whole village!

What's more, what about the Imperial Army that was massacred before? Aren't they Imperial people too?

Where did so many people come from?

Gu Qiqi needs to find hundreds of pieces of evidence to prove that what she said is true. Does she really have it?

Everyone looked at Gu Qiqi anxiously.

At this moment, Gu Qiqi was extremely calm and collected, as if she was holding a piece of gold worth of evidence in her hand, and was not in any hurry.

She looked at the judge with a smile: "Judge, please tell me the evidence of the true identity of these people in the video and how they deserved to die. Do you want me to show it in court now? Tell everyone and give our Lordship his innocence?"

The judge pursed his dry lips and his breathing became rapid.

He had never expected that the court hearing would develop to this extent today.

If Gu Qiqi can really submit evidence... he may be facing the first record-breaking reversal case in his career!

He had no reason not to let Gu Qiqi do this!

What's more, as an empire citizen, a citizen who also scolded Gong Jue as a traitor behind his back, he also wanted to see evidence of Gu Qiqi!

He nodded, raised the heavy gavel, and prepared to knock it down, agreeing that Gu Qiqi should submit new evidence in court!

And at this moment.

The people who least want Gu Qiqi to submit new evidence are the Wu Chi camp and Xiahou Susu!

Xiahou Susu, who had been in the auditorium, mingling with Gong Jue's old subordinates and watching the entire trial of the case, had been keeping a close eye on Gong Jue from the beginning of the court session.

She was confident that Gong Jue had been infected with the poison of the fairy by Lieutenant Lu.

Because she had already made arrangements in the bathroom and gave Adjutant Lu a laxative. Adjutant Lu would definitely have his hands covered with the high-concentration essential oil of henbane.

When shaking hands, the infection will definitely be transmitted to Gong Jue.

And she did all this without anyone noticing, and no one will discover or trace it!

She obviously saw that Gong Jue had signs of illness and put on gloves to cover it up. Why did Mao not get sick for so long?

25 minutes have passed since the trial.

If he holds on for another 5 minutes at most, Gong Jue will definitely get sick! ! !

Xiahou Susu kept a close eye on Gong Jue and had no time to pay attention to Gu Qiqi.

However, Gu Qiqi won applause from the audience several times, which still made her feel uncomfortable.

Knowing this moment, Gu Qiqi claimed to have new evidence.

And it was the decisive evidence that Gong Jue had committed the crime. Xiahou Susu finally started to get nervous.

If Gu Qiqi really has evidence, then Gong Jue will have a chance to escape guilt, and all her previous frame-ups will be in vain!

If Gu Qiqi really had the ability to clear Gong Jue's charges, wouldn't Gong Jue be even more devoted to protecting Gu Qiqi? How could she, Xiahou Susu, have the chance to possess this man?

Xiahou Susu's heart twitched.

No, Gu Qiqi must not be allowed to succeed.

What should she do to interrupt Gu Qiqi's speech?

The problem is that Gu Qiqi actually kept it a secret before. When she was with Adjutant Lu and others, she had no idea that Gu Qiqi had new evidence...

Just when Xiahou Susu was feeling confused.

Suddenly, a white light flashed in his mind.

Xiahou Susu thought of a way - a real lady online service to help you find books and chat with you. Please use WeChat/Chat/Search/Search for popular online articles or rdww444 to wait for you~

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