Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1932: Master Qi crushes the scumbag’s conspiracy!

Qianqian Novel Network

Xiahou Susu had a flash of inspiration.

Why am I stupid? I don't have to do anything at all. As long as you wait patiently for five minutes, Gong Jue will definitely get sick.

The concentrated poisonous juice of henbane can take effect in as little as one minute and as late as half an hour.

Gong Jue was lucky this time and remained human for 25 minutes.

But, I will definitely not survive 30 minutes!

And Gu Qiqi, this idiot, is actually clamoring for any new evidence?

Useful for birds? ? ?

The so-called new evidence, before even a few words were spoken, Gong Jue would fall ill on the spot, and then scare the people of the country into fainting again during the live broadcast!

Haha, she is afraid of the beast image of the palace lord. Isn’t it deep enough in the hearts of people across the country?

Xiahou Susu calmed down instantly.

He even actively encouraged Gong Jue's old subordinates to shout together: "Your Majesty is not guilty! Please ask Lawyer Gu to present the evidence in court!"

It seems like they are cheering for Gu Qiqi and Gong Jue!

In fact, it contains a more terrifying evil intention - as long as Gu Qiqi starts to present lengthy evidence, as long as no idiot interrupts Gu Qiqi's words, she, Xiahou Susu, can just sit back and wait for the palace prince to turn into a beast, hahahaha!

On stage.

Witness box.

Gu Qiqi glanced at Xiahou Susu, who was taking the lead in shouting in the auditorium under the stage, and coolly withdrew her gaze.

"Your Honor, the evidence I want to present not only includes the evidence that Gong Jue is acquitted, but also the specific evidence that Wu Chi is traitorous... Well, to be responsible, Wu Chi is hoarding goods and making it difficult for the country to make money. Where is the stocking location? Found it, and..."

Gu Qiqi spoke quietly, her tone calm.

On the opposite side, Wu Chi, who had been silenced, was already experiencing a turmoil in his heart!

He is also the person who least wants to see this evidence, and the person who least wants Gong Jue to escape guilt.

Because once Gong Jue is acquitted, his status will be embarrassing.

Once Gong Jue returns, Wu Chi will be unemployed!

What's more, Gu Qiqi actually said that she found the place where he hid the goods. This is extremely scary!

He bit someone and was bitten in return. This serious crime of treason was placed on his own head. He didn't have the kind of lawyer to defend himself with such shameless and sharp methods!

The more Wu Chi thought about it, the more terrifying he felt. In addition, Gu Qiqi's words kept ringing in his ears like a curse, every word hurting his heart. He was really on the verge of mental collapse.


Gu Qiqi must not be allowed to give evidence.

He wanted to delay Gu Qiqi, delay time, and try to destroy all her evidence.

He was so anxious that he couldn't speak. He immediately wrote a few words with trembling hands and handed them to Lawyer Wang. Then, fearing that Lawyer Wang would be slow, he personally held up a piece of white paper with the same words written on it. Get up and shake towards the judge with all your strength!

The gavel that the judge originally raised stopped in mid-air.

He was going to announce that he agreed to Gu Qiqi's submission of new evidence in court.

However, Wu Chi's request stopped him from speaking.

And this prevention is in line with legal requirements.

I saw words written in black and white on the paper: "We request an adjournment of the court!"

Adjournment! ! !

Imperial law stipulates that if either party, the prosecution or the defense, presents new evidence in court, the other party has the right to apply for an adjournment.

Because the new evidence has never appeared in the case, for the sake of fairness, the other party must also prepare a new defense.

Therefore, Wu Chi applied for an adjournment, which is in compliance with the law!

The judge nodded: "Agree. The case is suspended and will be reheard at another date. The court will try it again based on the new evidence provided by the defendant!"

The final word!

Wu Chi breathed a sigh of relief.

Gu Qiqi, also from an angle where no one could see her, breathed a sigh of relief.

No one knows, and she doesn’t want to present any new evidence now!

There are still five minutes left. She must take Gong Jue away quickly. She cannot let Gong Jue turn into a wolf in front of the court and cause an irreversible situation!

Only Xiahou Susu's face was ashen, with ten thousand grass and mud horses galloping past in his heart.

Wu Chi, you idiot, you ruined my good deeds!

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