Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1933: Gong Jue, do you think you can fly?

Qianqian Novel Network

Gu Qiqi presented new evidence in court, turning the situation around again!

Wu Chi couldn't stand Gu Qiqi's faint threats and desperately asked for an adjournment of the court!

But Xiahou Susu became the biggest loser. All his painstaking plans came to nothing - Gong Jue did not turn into a wolf in court, but was acquitted of one of the charges, the crime of escaping from prison!

Only at this moment did the little dirty turtle finally understand why Gu Qiqi told him before that today's court session was about psychological warfare.

"Master Yin, it turns out that you laid the groundwork step by step to destroy Wu Chi's psychological defense and make him lose his mind step by step. Finally, in front of the new evidence you threw out, he became completely confused and completely confused. Then you took the initiative to ask for the suspension of the trial. You just You can leave with Sir Alex very calmly and without leaving a trace, right! Lord Silver, why are you so far-sighted...?"

Gu Qiqi's mind was entirely on Gong Jue at the moment. She responded with a faint "hmm" and then concentrated on observing Gong Jue's condition closely.

Gong Jue strode ahead, and she followed closely.

Fortunately, the man's posture is as tall and straight as ever, and his steps are strong and strong. It can be said that he is full of momentum, and he walks with wind.

Less than five minutes to go.

As long as they rush out of the court door and leave this group of people... today's crisis of wolf transformation will be resolved!

Gu Qiqi didn't dare to be careless, and glanced at the people in the auditorium, just in case someone would come out temporarily to cause trouble.

Fortunately, this journey went smoothly.

When they reached the door, Gong Jue's car was parked on the side of the road, and he could walk over and leave.

However, as soon as the court door was opened.

“Crack, crack, crack—!”

There were intense flashes of light.

At some point, a large number of reporters rushed outside the court!

The bailiff who was originally maintaining order at the door was also pushed away!

Therefore, these reporters rushed to the door immediately and surrounded Gong Jue!

In the auditorium, Xiahou Susu secretly put her mobile phone back into her bag. She temporarily found someone to slow down Gong Jue. It seemed that this trick was very effective.

No one knows how to procrastinate better than a difficult reporter.

Haha, it’s only five minutes. Gong Jue, do you think you can fly?


Surrounded by reporters, Gong Jue frowned.

He already hated crowds of people, and now that there were not only a lot of people, but also blind shots, he was even more disgusted. He was about to reach out and tear off the other person's camera, smash it to pieces, and completely fall out with these annoying reporters.

However, a pair of small hands gently held him down.

"Let me come." Gu Qiqi said softly.

These three gentle and firm words again.

A clear stream seemed to flow through Gong Jue's heart, and he felt indescribably comfortable.

I was distracted by the swarm of reporters just now, but I suddenly felt calm.

He nodded: "Okay."

Gu Qiqi held his hand tightly, and through the gloves, she could already feel the changes in Gong Jue's nails.

Perhaps it was the crowds that made him change his mood and accelerate his transformation into a wolf.

time is limited!

She spoke quickly and raised her voice: "Thank you for your enthusiastic interview. You must want to know the result of the verdict, right? It's really hard for you to wait. Here I will provide you with some important news-"

Gu Qiqi's tone was graceful and friendly, which was in sharp contrast to her sharp demeanor in the court just now!

The reporters who had prepared a lot of sharp questions suddenly looked blank, and the aggressive words they were about to say stopped in their throats.

The people on Gongjue's side are willing to take the initiative to provide important information, so let's listen first! Do you need to find the latest chapters by yourself when reading a book? You are OUT, follow the public account on WeChat: Youdu Literature or the suduwx beauty editor will help you find books! You really can do both reading and flirting with girls!

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