Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1939 Why did you call me alone?

Qianqian Novel Network

Gong Jue's face was as dark as water, and he stared at the three uninvited men in front of him with great displeasure.

He turned over, sat upright, picked up Gu Qiqi and placed her beside him.

He straightened the collar of his shirt and half-opened his belt, with a very serious expression that you evil people had misunderstood just now: "What are you doing here?"

Bailang: "Wucao, sir, of course we are here to care about you. Why do you think we are so insignificant!"

Wu Er: "We would like to ask you what you were doing just now. You don't look like a patient, do you?"

Adjutant Lu: "Ahem, cough, sir, we, we are here to help..."

"Pfft!" Bai Lang laughed unkindly.

As for Gong Jue's lying posture just now, if they are here to help, the picture shouldn't be too sexy, okay?

Seeing that these people were talking more and more crookedly, Gu Qiqi interrupted angrily: "We are already here. Didn't we agree to show Jue to see if the wolfsbane in his body has been completely removed? Why are you still standing there?"

She was not sure whether her blood could only temporarily suppress Gong Jue's illness, or whether it could completely eliminate Wolfsbane.

Therefore, I just called a few people to come over for consultation.

Who would have known that Gong Jue would behave a very difficult to describe manner as soon as he got up?

What a disgrace!

Bailang and the others had finished joking, so they stepped forward seriously and took turns taking Gong Jue's pulse, examining him, and doing various tests.

He and Wu Er were both senior doctors and leaders in their respective fields, but Bailang focused on Western medicine, while Wu Er focused on witch doctors.

But after some tossing, both of them shook their heads with regret and came to the unanimous conclusion: "Sir, the wolfsbane is still in the body, and it is still a time bomb."

Gu Qiqi's heart sank slightly, but she didn't say anything on the surface. She just said "Thank you for your hard work" and then invited everyone to eat.

She cooked herself, made a few side dishes, and prepared a spicy pot with various mushrooms, snowflake beef and fresh vegetables.

On a hot summer day, with the air conditioner blowing, drinking cold wine, eating spicy hot pot and delicious side dishes, these grown men are simply enjoying themselves.

For a time, the worry that Gong Jue's condition could not be cured was forgotten.

Only Bai Lang curiously asked, "Little goblin, what kind of medicine did you use to suppress Sir Alex's wolf poison just now?", but Gu Qiqi brushed him off vaguely.

Wu Er blamed himself. His research on wolfsbane was too shallow. He needed to be given some time to continue researching the antidote, but he could not guarantee whether the antidote could be successfully developed.

Gu Qiqi smiled, served them wine and food, and quickly dropped the topic.

The four grown men were full of wine and food, and began to study preparations for another court session.

Bailang said that all DNA tests have been completed. Currently, with the help of hackers, they are comparing DNA data one by one, country by country, to find the contact information of each other's relatives. Because the workload of this step is too huge, currently only Proceed to the tenth.

Fortunately, Gu Qiqi used psychological tactics to scare Wu Chi and bought a few days of adjournment. Then before the next court session, they will work hard to compare all the DNA data and create a complete chain of evidence. Come.

While they were chatting, Gu Qiqi took advantage of everyone's attention and called Wu Er aside.

Wu Er, who was often tricked by Gu Qiqi and was a little scared, asked warily and stammered: "You... why did you call me alone?" A real lady is online and helps you find books to chat with you. Please WeChat/Chat/Search/Search for popular online articles or rdww444 is waiting for you~

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