Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1940: Drained... of your blood?

Qianqian Novel Network

Gu Qiqi glared at him angrily: "I won't eat you, why are you showing that expression?"

Wu Er became even more nervous: "Is it you want to reward me?"

No, how could the little witch be so easy to talk to and reward so easily?

There must be a ghost!

Wu Er couldn't help but take a few steps back. After finally getting the chance to be alone with Gu Qiqi, he almost wanted to give up.

He couldn't hold this little witch at all.

The corners of Gu Qiqi's lips twitched: "You only think about rewards? You're not a kindergarten kid, why should I reward you with a little red flower? My little dumplings and little milk bags are more indifferent to fame and wealth than you!"

Seeing that Gu Qiqi really showed no signs of trying to trick him, Wu Er relaxed a little: "Then, why did you call me out?"

He secretly glanced at the other three chatting animatedly in the living room.

If Sir Alex realizes that he is alone with his woman, his jealousy will explode on the spot.

Gu Qiqi lowered her voice: "I want you to do something."

"What's going on?" Wu Er became nervous again.

There was no way he could do it. Every time he talked to Gu Qiqi, he had to work hard, his muscles were so tight that it made him feel sore.

Gu Qiqi said calmly: "Didn't you just ask me what medicine I used to control Gong Jue's illness?"

Wu Er blinked: "What kind of medicine? Are you willing to tell me your unique secret recipe?"

Gu Qiqi: "It's not medicine, it's my blood."

Wu Er was so shocked that he almost stumbled and fell into the kitchen.

"You, you, you say it again?"

"My blood can restrain Gong Jue's Wolfsbane." Gu Qiqi repeated angrily.

Wu Er covered his chest and took a long time to calm down: "Are you sure?"

Gu Qiqi: "Sure. Don't look at me with that look. I'm not a monster. As for why my blood can suppress Gong Jue's wolf poison, I don't know. But it must be effective. So before you develop it, Before there is an effective antidote, I want to draw blood every day and give it to Gong Jue so that his wolfsbane can be effectively controlled and he no longer has to worry about someone plotting to harm him. Moreover, according to pharmacology, long-term use of antidote can also alleviate his condition. If you really can't figure it out, then he can use my blood to keep him safe for the rest of his life..."

Wu Er's heart was pounding and his face was getting uglier. Finally he couldn't stand it anymore and interrupted her: "If I can't study it in my lifetime, you will let him drink your blood for the rest of his life? Gu Qiqi, do you know someone How much blood does a person have? After blood is drawn, how long does it take to recover and replenish it before the blood is drawn? Do you know that blood is 10,000 times more important to women than to men, and there are 10,000 kinds of anemia in women? The disease is waiting for her! You..."

Wu Er blamed angrily, but when he saw Gu Qiqi's firm eyes, he was filled with frustration.

This woman actually made up her mind to use her own blood to treat Gong Jue's illness!

He bit his lip hard and cursed: "Damn, I forgot that you are also a doctor yourself. You know everything..."

She knew clearly that drawing blood would do no harm to her, but she still did it.

How deep and pure her feelings for Gong Jue were!

Wu Er was very, very desperate at this moment——

He might never be able to catch up to Gong Jue's position in Gu Qiqi's heart in his lifetime.

Gu Qiqi was a little surprised to see Wu Er's reaction so big and strong.

She originally came to discuss with him, but why... was he more excited than her?

It wasn't his blood that was drawn.

The corner of Gu Qiqi's lips twitched a few times, and she said - when reading a book, do you still have to find the latest chapter by yourself? You are OUT, follow the public account on WeChat: Youdu Literature or the suduwx beauty editor will help you find books! You really can do both reading and flirting with girls!

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