Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1941: Pull out your tongue!

Qianqian Novel Network

"Hey, Wu Er, it's just a little blood. I didn't drain it all at once. I just draw a little bit every day. I'm strong, how could it be as serious as you said?" Gu Qiqiyun Danfengqing typical.

Wu Er became even more irritated and depressed: "You are so strong, but you are so thin. You haven't had a good rest in the past three years. You draw blood as soon as you come up. You, you, I think you are unwilling to die... "

"Then do you admit that if my blood can restrain wolfsbane, it will be very effective for Gong Jue to take it for a long time?"

"Admit it... No, I admit it. I don't admit it! How can you draw your own blood to save others? This is absolutely not possible. I will tell Gong Jue, he will never agree to you doing this. If He agreed, I will fight to death to kill his idiot, he is not a man!" Wu Er became more and more excited as he spoke.

As a doctor, he knows best——

Blood to people is the essence of life.

Just like the flame blood of their witch doctors, who in this world who understands its mysteries wouldn’t want to drain the witch doctors’ flame blood and use it to make medicine?

Therefore, their witch doctors are relatively low-key and will never expose themselves to others casually and become a target.

He remembered that Chu Junmo also needed flame blood, and spent a lot of money to buy it from all over the world.

But for three years, no witch doctor was willing to sell flame blood to Chu Junmo.

Not even a drop!

It is enough to show the preciousness of special blood.

Gu Qiqi, however, did not regard her blood as precious as he did: "Don't be alarmist. The reason why I avoided Bai Lang and asked you to come over to discuss it alone is because I can trust you. Otherwise, tell Bai Lang that big mouth, it won't take a minute. The whole world knows it. Are you going to betray my trust in you? If you really tell Gong Jue, I won't mind pulling out your tongue!"

Wu Er's heart trembled suddenly.

It wasn't because Gu Qiqi threatened him fiercely and wanted to pull out his tongue.

But because, she said, she trusted him.

She trusts him! ! !

These few words made him feel as if he had been struck by lightning. A part of his heart was split open and could never be closed again. From then on, it was opened just for her...

Wu Er sniffed: "You... really believe me?"

Gu Qiqi: "Nonsense. When did I hide anything from you? Didn't I tell you everything? This time I didn't even call any of Gong Jue's confidants, but I called you to study together. It's not trust." ?”

The corners of Wu Er's lips twitched several times: "..."

That's right, little witch, have you forgotten how you tricked me by disguising yourself as a man on the ghost island? You said you didn't hide it from me?

However, he didn't care about these.

Ever since she found out about her daughter's identity, she had indeed not concealed anything important from him.

For such a secret and important matter as exonerating Gong Jue, he was invited to participate in the whole process, which can be said to be a sign of great trust.

Wu Er took a deep breath and said dullly: "Okay, I won't tell Gong Jue. But! I still can't agree to you drawing your own blood! Just wait for me! I will work on the antidote for you even if I don't sleep. …”

Gu Qiqi smiled half-heartedly: "How sure are you? Can you guarantee that before you succeed in researching the antidote, Gong Jue will not be framed by a traitor and become poisonous again?"

Wu Er was speechless for a while: "..."


He couldn't guarantee it.

The chance of a successful antidote was even slimmer, and he had no confidence!

This is a really depressing fact.

Seeing that Wu Er was speechless, Gu Qiqi patted him on the shoulder easily: "A real lady is online to help you find books and chat with you. Please WeChat/Chat/Search/Search for popular online articles or rdww444 to wait for you." Come flirt~

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