Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1942: I’ll chop you up and feed you to the dogs!

Qianqian Novel Network

"Hey, little bastard, don't look so gloomy. It's not a big deal to draw some blood, right? Soldiers on the battlefield are still bleeding every day..." Gu Qiqi enlightened him easily.

"That's different." Wu Er said dully, like a gourd.

Gu Qiqi smiled: "What's the difference? Well, let me tell you the same thing. We women are creatures that bleed regularly for seven days every month and will not die. We women's experience with bleeding is Richer than you men. So, no big deal really."

Wu Er: "..."

Damn, he would never be able to refute the little witch's clever words and fallacies.

Why did Mao know that what she said seemed wrong, but he couldn't find what was wrong and couldn't say anything?

It was so miserable to fall, and she was so eaten that I couldn't stand up.

Wu Er glared at her angrily with an expression that made him worse off than die.

Gu Qiqi chuckled: "Okay, okay, you have agreed to me now, huh? Little bastard? We have to hang ourselves on a hook and not change for a hundred years!"

Gu Qiqi stretched out her fingers and hooked up with Wu Er.

He also warned in every possible way: "I will inject blood into the medicine you sent every day. When the time comes, I will tell Gong Jue that the medicine I gave him was developed by you, so that he will not be suspicious and think it is yours." The medicine works. You remember you have to be on the same page with me, you hear me?"

Wu Er was stunned.

The place where her fingers were pulled was completely stiff, as if it didn't belong to her, and she couldn't move at all.

Can he refuse her?

He has long been unable to resist her.

Whatever she said was what she said. She asked him to help solve Gong Jue's illness, solve Gong Jue's case and then challenge him. He obediently agreed. What else could he not promise her?

"Such a good little bastard... Well, how about I tell you in advance the secret of Yaogong. In fact, Yaogong is..." Gu Qiqi was moved by Wu Er's support and prepared to tell you the cruel truth about Yaogong. Tell him to be mentally prepared and not to let people from the witch doctor clan embark on the cruel road to winning the championship again.


Just in the middle of speaking, a cold and domineering male voice suddenly sounded from outside the door: "Wu Er, who told you to touch my woman? You have three seconds to remove your dirty paws, otherwise, I will chop them off for you." Feed the dog!"

Gong Jue was furious and strode from the living room, just when he saw Wu Er and Gu Qiqi flirting.

Gu Qiqi immediately withdrew her finger with a guilty conscience, coughed and explained: "I'm not discussing this with a little bastard..."

"I've heard it all, why are you telling me secrets behind my back! Huh?" Gong Jue looked very unhappy, pushed Wu Er away, and held Gu Qiqi forcefully in his arms, just like a male declaring ownership. animal.

The corners of Wu Er's lips twitched several times.

Fortunately, he was still worried about Gu Qiqi and Gong Jue. Why did this simple and rude man need his care?

Pooh! My conscience is fucked.

However, when Wu Er heard what Gong Jue said about secrets, Wu Er felt a little nervous. Could it be that Gong Jue had heard it? So what should he do?

His eyes glanced at Gu Qiqi helplessly, wanting to communicate with her.

Who knew, Gu Qiqi was not afraid at all, her smile was extremely sweet: "It's the secret of the Medicine Palace. Didn't you hear everything? I plan to tell the little bastard."

Gong Jue narrowed his eyes and stared at her for a moment: "Don't lie to me." The real lady is online and will help you find books to chat with you. Please WeChat/Search/Search for popular online articles or rdww444, waiting for you to flirt with her. ~

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