Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1943 The milk buns and dumplings are missing

Qianqian Novel Network

Gong Jue is worthy of being a Gong Jue, and his acumen is not something that can be denied! A few words can't fool you.

Gu Qiqi had no choice but to explain again: "Ahem, cough, okay, and I secretly force him to deliver medicine every day in the future, hoping to cure your disease as soon as possible."

Gong Jue's heart skipped a beat and he was a little touched: "Is this really the truth?"

Gu Qiqi nodded fiercely, her big black grape eyes were the most innocent and clear: "Yes, yes, what I just said is the truth, there is absolutely no lies."

Only then was Gong Jue satisfied. He turned to look at the kitchen and changed the topic: "The cocktail you made just now is very delicious. It's very refreshing. I'll get you another bottle!"

Gu Qiqi breathed a sigh of relief: "Yeah, wait."

Wu Er: "..."

Wucao, the little witch is awesome!

What she said just now, indeed every word is true, but unfortunately every word combined has nothing to do with the truth!

Even the thoughtful Lord was fooled by her.

The past scenes where he was tricked by Gu Qiqi didn't matter anymore. After all, wasn't Gong Jue also tricked by this woman?

Gu Qiqi went to the kitchen counter to mix drinks. Before she left, she gave Wu Er a deep look. In front of the palace lord, she raised her voice and said, "Young bastard, remember what I just told you. Pay lord Wu Er on time every day." Bring the medicine! Do you know?"

The veins on Wu Er's forehead jumped, his lips twitched, and he replied dully: "Yes, I understand."

It was obvious that he had the secret of Gu Qiqi's use of blood to save Gong Jue, but why did it look like Gu Qiqi had grasped his weakness! Wu Er, you are so cowardly!

He blamed himself in his heart, and suddenly felt a wave of excitement and joy that he and Gu Qiqi had a unique and unknown secret...


Everyone was happy here in Moyuan until late at night.

Afraid of disturbing Gong Jue's rest, he prepared to leave.

Gong Jue and Gu Qiqi saw off the guests. As soon as they reached the door, Gu Qiqi's phone rang.

Gu Qiqi was ready to answer the phone.

As a result, Gong Jue gave him a cold look...

I saw a few words flashing on the screen - "Brother Chu"!

Depend on it!

Didn’t I put that bastard Chu Junmo’s phone number on the blacklist and block it completely?

Why does Chu Daiyu still have the ability to come in?

When I think about the past three years, Chu Daiyu has harassed Qiqi from time to time, and even got along with Qiqi's biological daughter, becoming some kind of disgusting godfather, huh. He was unhappy, very unhappy.

"No answer allowed."

Nothing more, just a simple and crude order, very royal style.

Gu Qiqi pursed her lips: "Maybe there is something urgent?"

Gong Jue raised his head and looked at the sky: "What urgent matter can Chu Daiyu have in the middle of the night? Isn't she going to flirt with you out of boredom late at night? Huh, I don't know what's going on in that old man's heart? "

Bai Lang couldn't help laughing: "Sir's eyes are like an X-ray scanner, hahaha!"

Wu Er: "Theoretically, the roundworm is in the stomach but not in the heart."

Adjutant Lu: "The leader is wise and knows President Chu's tricks very well!"

Gu Qiqi: "..."

This group of people are all the same, birds of a feather flock together!

She ignored the singing of these men and pressed the answer button directly.

"Hey, Brother Chu? What do you want from me?" She looked calm.

Gong Jue's face suddenly darkened, and he reached out to grab his cell phone in displeasure.

However, the next second, Gu Qiqi's face was even worse than his. Her face was gloomy and her voice was trembling: "Brother Chu, tell me again, what happened to Xiaotuanzi and Xiaonaibao..."

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