Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1947: Aloof Gentleman + Black Cute Lolita

Qianqian Novel Network

The so-called sensible and polite children are just appearances, appearances!

In fact, a minute later, everyone suddenly started to feel dizzy and slow in thinking.

Just when they vaguely realized that there was something wrong with this dessert, "Plop, pop, pop..." one after another, they fainted on the floor.

Bei Gong Niannian held up her chin curiously and tilted her head to look at Gong Ting: "Brother Tuanzi, why are you okay after eating the cake?"

Gong Ting raised his eyelids coolly: "I got tired of your tricks when I was three years old."

You know, he is now a six-year-old adult!

Bei Gong Niannian curled her lips: "But since you knew it a long time ago and didn't expose me, it means you also want them to sleep, and you don't like them beeping in your ears non-stop, teaching such childish desserts, and... You kept it secret from us and didn’t let us watch the live broadcast of the court...right?”

Gong Ting's face was expressionless, looking like a cold gentleman: "I don't have time to think so much... I'm just too lazy to speak."

Too lazy to speak...

Ahem, what a arrogant reason.

Beigong Niannian couldn't help but come up to Xiaotuanzi, give him a sip, and smell his cheek: "Brother Tuanzi, I declare that you are my second favorite man!"

Gong Ting's eyelids twitched fiercely: "Don't come over! There's so much saliva!"

But I can't help but be curious in my heart, who is the man that Nian Nian likes first?

Who cares about her, anyway, the only woman he likes first and only is Gu Qiqi!

No one can replace it.

After Bei Gong Niannian kissed Gong Ting, she observed silently for a while, and then said disappointedly: "You still haven't fainted. There is Ecstasy in my saliva. How can you be immune? It's so strange..."

Gong Ting glared at her angrily: "I already told you, I was tired of your childish tricks when I was three years old. You want to watch the live TV and watch it yourself, don't disturb me."

He simply opened his laptop.

But he didn't watch the live broadcast. Instead, he concentrated on patrolling the major forums and Weibo. Once he caught the news of spreading black information about Gu Qiqi and Gong Jue, he ruthlessly used hacking techniques to send it out... …

Bei Gong Niannian couldn't understand what he was doing. She was bored and jumped down from the dining chair with her short legs. She muttered: "I'm going to go watch the TV... There seems to be one at the front desk of the club on the first floor. I want to go." Look how mommy tortures bad people..."

With that said, he really rushed towards the door of the cooking classroom.

Gong Ting ignored her at first.

When he heard the slamming sound of the door, his back stiffened, and he closed the laptop with a bang.

"Beigong Niannian!" He gritted his teeth and became slightly angry.

Why is this little kid so careless?

He was only two years old and dared to run around, and...

He glanced sympathetically at the bodyguards, teachers, and his grandfather lying in a mess on the ground, sighed, and chased after them.

He is his brother after all, so he can't really leave her alone.

Unexpectedly, Beigong Niannian walked very fast.

Gone in the blink of an eye.

Gong Ting remembered that she said before going out that she wanted to watch TV, so he rushed to the front desk on the first floor.

As a result, there was no Nian Nian at the front desk on the first floor.

The TV was playing as usual, and it was the wonderful scene of Gu Qiqi standing in the court, full of aura, leaving Wu Chi and the judge speechless, and the people in the audience defecting one after another.

Gong Ting took a deep look at the screen and said silently - When reading a book, do you still need to find the latest chapter by yourself? You are OUT, follow the public account on WeChat: Youdu Literature or the suduwx beauty editor will help you find books! You really can do both reading and flirting with girls!

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