Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1948 Stupid Son + Silly Baitian

No. 1 Bai Tian

"Mommy, don't worry, I won't let my sister get lost, I will definitely find her!"

Gong Ting pursed his lips, suppressed his cold expression, and asked the young lady at the front desk in a normal little boy's voice: "Hello, did you see a little girl over 2 years old who passed by here just now? What?"

The receptionist's eyes lit up, ah, what a beautiful little boy!

The hand-made custom-made suit looked very expensive at first glance, and the exquisite tie made it even more low-key luxurious. They had seen countless children from wealthy families at the front desk every day, but none of them had this little boy. His temperament was so outstanding that it made people feel sad. favorite.

Therefore, she was happy to tell him the truth: "Well, there was a pretty little girl who came here five minutes ago and wanted to watch TV with us. However, she and her father left just now."

"Her father?" Gong Ting's beautiful eyebrows wrinkled slightly, his eyes slightly raised, looking at Gong Jue and Bai Lang on the TV screen, and then thinking about Bei Gong Mingtian, Chu Junmo and others who were busy outside today.

There is no way that a person who can be the father of a baby girl will come here.

"Thank you." He didn't say much and left quickly!

The little milk bag was probably kidnapped!

He searched almost every corner in the children's playground and ran for a full hour, but there was no sign of Beigong Niannian at all.

Have you gone out already?

He thought in his mind that the scope was quite large.

He ran outside, and as soon as he reached the entrance of the children's playground, he was stopped by a kind old man selling candied haws on a stick: "Little handsome boy, are you looking for your sister?"


"I know where she is. She went to the Ferris wheel over there." The kind old man pointed.

Gong Ting took a deep look at the old man, turned around and ran away.

The old man watched him leave, sneered, and followed quickly.

Xiaotuanzi came under the Ferris wheel and found a sign: "Machine failure, temporarily closed."

He stood at the entrance of the deserted ticket office, looking up at the Ferris wheel several hundred meters high, thoughtfully.

Suddenly, a familiar male voice sounded: "Haha, your sister is inside, do you want to go and take a look?"

The old man selling candied haws on a stick stood beside him at some point. The candied haws on a stick had been thrown away, and the beard on the old man's face was also torn off. He was clearly a short and capable middle-aged man.

It actually looks a bit familiar.

Where have you seen it?

Xiaotuanzi nodded: "Take me there."

The old man laughed dryly, took out his key and opened the ticket room door.

After Xiaotuanzi also came in, he locked the door with a click!

"Bang!" With a sound, the short and sharp man pushed open the back door and found himself facing a cockpit of the Ferris wheel.

"Right here!" The man was too lazy to hide the fake smile on his face, "I didn't expect Gong Jue's son to be so stupid, haha, it didn't take any effort to deceive him. And Gu Qiqi's daughter is also a fool. Just one sugar-coated haws of sugar can make my father abduct me, hahahaha!"

"Brother Tuanzi!" In the cockpit of the Ferris wheel, Beigong Niannian, dressed in a snow-white princess dress, holding a candied haws in her hand and eating deliciously, didn't she look like a silly Baitian?

"Brother Tuanzi, come and play together. They have a way to make the Ferris wheel move. Come on, come on, it's going to be fun!" Beigong Niannian greeted Gong Ting enthusiastically.

Gong Ting frowned angrily, the anger on his face faintly burst out, and he walked towards Beigong Nian Nian step by step...

It really pissed him off!

Sure enough, women are the most troublesome creatures, always causing trouble!

——Except for his most beloved little sister.

Gong Ting was silently annoyed in his heart, but still walked towards Beigong Niannian without hesitation.

Beigong Niannian still looked innocent: "Brother Tuanzi, this candied haws on a stick is so delicious, can you take a bite too?"

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