Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1949: The robbers are about to tear up the tickets and make Gu Qiqi angry to death

The 1st vote makes Gu Qiqi angry to death

Gong Ting gritted his teeth. This heartless little bastard dared to eat food given by strangers outside. He was really angry.

"Don't eat!"

"Please, please, please, please do it again and again..." Beigong Niannian acted coquettishly.

Gong Ting couldn't resist, so he finally took a bite.

While the two were talking, the short and sharp man had already commanded several subordinates to start the Ferris wheel and raise their cabin to the highest point!

"Wow, it's so delicious!"

"I have never sat on such a beautiful Ferris wheel. Momo Babi and Tiantian Babi didn't allow me to ride on it before! They said it would be a safety hazard. What do you mean by a safety hazard?"

"Brother Tuanzi, did you ever sit there when you were a child? Did your daddy sit with you?"

Beigong Niannian has been very excited and amazed.

Gong Ting didn't bother to listen to her talk at all, but silently observed the enemies in the cockpit - there were 8 enemies in total, all of them strong and muscular, and they must have guns bulging around their waists...

How can he bring down these eight men and rescue Bei Gong Niannian safely?

If I had known earlier, would I have brought some of Bei Gong Niannian's drugged cake?

He has been studying hacking technology recently and has not delved much into medicine. It is even less likely that he carries poisons and weapons with him at all times...

Just as he was thinking about it, Beigong Niannian's voice suddenly rose an octave: "Wow, this is the highest point, right? The Ferris wheel has stopped!"

The short and lean man in the lead said with a cruel smile: "Of course. Otherwise, there would be no time to call your mother."

Beigong blinked her big eyes: "No, no, no, don't tell my mother. If my mother knows that I come out to play, she will be very angry and say she doesn't want me anymore and send me to an orphanage..."

Everyone roared with laughter: "Your mother is playing tricks on you!"

Gong Niannian rubbed the corners of her clothes uneasily with her short hands. For some reason, everyone suddenly felt that the air was very fragrant. It was the scent of a baby girl. It smelled quite good. They didn't think much about it. They secretly thought that it might be from the baby's clothes. Aroma bar.

Beigong Niannian continued to blink her big eyes: "Then, can we stay at the highest point for a while?"

The short and lean man smiled even more evilly: "Okay. Even if you want to stop the Ferris wheel now, it's impossible! You can only stay here!"

Gong Ting's heart trembled and he couldn't help but interrupt: "Why? What did you do to the Ferris wheel?"

"Hands and legs? Hahaha, no need! This Ferris wheel is not electronically controlled, but an old-fashioned mechanical control. Before we came up, we only set a one-way ascent, but not a descent route, and the joystick was locked, unless... "

Gong Ting's heart tightened when he heard this, and he secretly thought that it was terrible. If the Ferris wheel was electronically controlled, as long as he could access the Internet, he could use hacking technology to break in and change the program settings.

Then, after killing these eight robbers, he can also lower the Ferris wheel back to its original position through remote control.

But now it's a mechanical control, and the joystick is locked. Even if someone comes to save them, they can't be saved!

At an altitude of several hundred meters, it is difficult for even a helicopter to rescue people with such accuracy!

What's more, no one knows that they are trapped here. If they don't eat or drink, they will die of thirst and starvation in less than 48 hours...

Gong Ting felt solemn in his heart!

But the little girl was still lying leisurely by the window watching the scenery. He was completely stupid and didn't worry about his own fate.

Gong Ting gritted his teeth: "You just said, unless what?"

The man in the lead smiled evilly: "Unless I throw you down, just to the temporary activation valve, and use the impact of your corpses to push the valve down, then the Ferris wheel can be temporarily activated to descend! Haha, but no one else knows this secret. , the engineer who knew about it has been killed by us hahaha..."

He wanted to threaten Gu Qiqi to hand over the evidence, and then quarrel with him in front of Gong Jue and Gu Qiqi!

Make them miserable!

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