Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1955: My sister-in-law, have mercy on me!

Qianqian Novel Network

Just listen to Bei Gong murmuring and saying in a sweet voice: "It's so troublesome to call for help. Didn't this shameless uncle just say that there is a temporary mechanical start valve on the ground? Just throw a person down, Wouldn't it be possible to restart the Ferris wheel by smashing that valve open? It's so simple, don't seek the far away at the expense of the near! Brother Tuanzi, am I using this idiom, right? Is the idiom of seeking the far away at the expense of the near? Or is it killing a chicken with a sledgehammer? Or is it because Guizhou donkey has no skills? "

The corners of Gong Ting's lips twitched several times: "..."

Wu Chi's eyes widened in horror: "..."

He didn't even have the energy to care about it. This little kid called him "shameless uncle". He was really shocked by the idea of ​​​​little milk bag.

The most poisonous woman's heart!

She is indeed the most poisonous woman!

This little girl is actually going to throw him off the Ferris wheel!

In order to survive, Wu Chi was the first to kowtow and beg for mercy, and soon his forehead was bleeding: "Sister-in-law, Grandpa Gong, please, I really can't die. I promise to work hard for you when I get out. I promise I'm on call and I'll satisfy you with anything! If you want to start the Ferris wheel, you can use my bodyguards. Each of them is tall and strong enough to smash open the valve more confidently, but I am so thin and have no strength... …”

Seeing Wu Chi being the first to sell them out at the critical moment, the bodyguards all had their teeth cracked!

That bitch Gu Qiqi is right, Wu Chi is as famous as he is, and what’s more, he is shameless!

Bei Gong Niannian remained calm: "Oh, really? These promises are too vague. I hope you can tell the truth first..."

As she spoke, her tone suddenly sounded serious like that of a female CEO, without the cuteness of her milky voice at all——

"Who ordered you?!"

There was a smell of urine, and Wu Chi shuddered, and unexpectedly peed his pants.

"Yes...yes..." He stuttered.

Bei Gong Niannian twisted her little hand on the lock of the glass window of the passenger compartment, opening the originally sealed glass window to a gap that only allowed one person to pass through, and said lightly: "If you don't tell the truth, you will be the first one to be kicked out!"

Wu Chi said with a sad face: "I said it, I said it all! It's Xiahou Susu, really, it's her!"

Gong Ting frowned. It seemed that Wu Chi was keeping an eye on Xiahou Susu tonight.

Whether it was the truth or a frame-up, he had to write down the name and let the palace lord judge it.

A gust of cold wind blew through the crack of the window, and Wu Chi by the window woke up for a moment.

He was so excited that he suddenly felt murderous. He stretched out his foot and kicked the nearest bodyguard hard!

The bodyguard was caught off guard and kicked half of his body out of the window. His hands desperately hooked on the window glass: "Save me! Save me! Please help me, my aunt..."

Wu Chi smiled happily and muttered to Beigong: "Sister-in-law, we brothers are willing to sacrifice their lives for righteousness and go down and use their bodies to knock open the valve!"

"I...I'm not..." Before the male bodyguard could say a few words, he finally lost his strength. His hand slipped and he fell off the Ferris wheel!


His body hit the valve, and his internal organs turned into a ball of blood and mud!

Wu Chi was overjoyed, it was great, he had a scapegoat.

"The valve is open! It's open!" Wu Chi cried with joy uncontrollably, "Sister-in-law, we can go down now. I'll repay you by going back to you..."

He picks and chooses what sounds good and what is sweet.


The next second——!

"Boom——!" A loud noise!

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