Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1954: Being played badly by a woman

Qianqian Novel Network

Gong Ting frowned slightly: Who is the eldest lady of the Xiahou family?

A vague shadow emerged in his mind.

Could this Wu Chi be a desperate dog jumping over the wall and biting people? Are you just trying to blame yourself and frame yourself up to get away with it?

His voice dropped, and a cold aura similar to that of Gong Jue suddenly surged around his body: "Tell me again, who ordered you? The Xiahou family and my Gong family have never had any grudges, why should they kidnap me? The Xiahou family doesn’t even know my little sister, so why should they kidnap Nian Nian?”

Wu Chi was startled. Although he didn't know who the young lady Xiaotuanzi was talking about, he could guess that it was Gu Qiqi.

He suddenly realized that the bad idea Xiahou Susu gave him was really bad!

Once the kidnapping is successful, Xiahou Susu will reap the benefits, because she will not be involved in the treason and hoarding of goods.

And if the kidnapping fails, she won't be at any risk because no one will associate it with her.

On the surface, she is still from the palace camp!

Xiahou Susu is really a person who kills two birds with one stone and reaps the benefits.

Damn it, I was tricked by a dead woman again.

Has he recently had a grudge against a woman? The good-for-nothing women who usually looked down on him, from little brats to little women, all deceived him without any discussion!

Wu Chi hated him so much, but now he was lying on the ground, unable to even fight two children, let alone seek revenge on those damn women!

He thought for a while: "If you don't believe it, you can take me back and confront Xiahou Susu! Hum, the facts will prove that I am absolutely right!"

In short, the only priority now is to stabilize these two perverted brats, and then find a way to coax them and take him out.

Gong Ting narrowed his eyes: "Take you back? How? Didn't you say that the Ferris wheel system has been locked?"

When Wu Chi saw that there was something going on, he quickly offered his treasure: "Call your dad, come on, use my mobile phone!"

He respectfully handed the phone to Gong Ting's feet.

He really didn't have the strength, otherwise he might crawl to Gong Ting's feet and lick her to show his loyalty.

Gong Ting glanced at his phone in disgust but did not move.

Instead, he got up and randomly searched the cell phone of one of the bodyguards.

There are so many things you can do with a mobile phone. Wu Chi is so cunning. Who knows if there is any timed explosion program on his mobile phone. If it is touched by someone else's fingerprint, it will be activated.

Gong Ting was very wary of him.

In fact, Wu Chi's mobile phone does not have such an advanced life-or-death explosion program, but it does have hidden mechanisms.

That's when Wu Chi threw it over just now and pressed a shortcut key. If the next person touches it within one minute, he will be electrocuted!

He had a wishful thinking, thinking that if Gong Ting was electrocuted and died, Bei Gong Niannian would definitely be shocked and reach out to pull him, and then he would also be electrocuted and die.

Anyway, let’s kill these two little monsters first!

If they died, he would have a chance to find someone to save him and escape from this damn Ferris wheel.

The tomb originally designed for two little monsters is now his tomb Ferris wheel!

Unfortunately, the wishful thinking came to nothing.

Gong Ting didn't even bother to touch his phone.

Instead, I directly searched for someone else's number and dialed.


After a series of busy signals, Gong Ting closed the phone in frustration.

"What's wrong, Brother Tuanzi?"

"The Ferris wheel is too high, and there is magnetic field interference. The signal here is not good. I can't make calls or connect to the Internet. I can't contact my dad." Gong Ting was obviously a little anxious.

Unexpectedly, Beigong Niannian was very calm!

She raised her eyebrows slightly and said something that surprised everyone - real girls are online services to help you find books and chat with you. Please WeChat/Chat/Search/Search for popular online articles or rdww444, waiting for you to tease~

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