Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1953: Confess Xiahou Susu!

Qianqian Novel Network

It's a pity that even though he tried so hard, he didn't succeed in the end!

The man who was kicked in the stomach struggled and used his last strength to kick him hard in the face, knocking the candied haws down.

The candied haws that was almost rotten suddenly fell into pieces and rolled to the corner of the Ferris wheel car.

Everyone's eyes turned red again, and they tried their best to continue grabbing...

It's a pity that the poison in their bodies is getting worse and worse, and their bodies are becoming more and more inoperable. They move their arms in vain on the ground, but they can't move forward for a long time.

Even so, they did not stop attacking each other. As long as people were next to each other, they would reach out to pluck each other's eyes, or use other small tricks to cripple each other to defeat a competitor for themselves.

Beigong Niannian and Gong Ting looked at the incredible scene in front of them in surprise.

After all, they are still young. Even though they have abilities and tricks beyond their years, they never imagined that the adult world could be so intrigued and intrigued.

It's simply...all moral integrity is broken, and there is no lower limit.

The two of them looked at each other and shuddered.

It’s scary, we are still babies!

However, at this moment, in the eyes of the eight grown men, they were the ones in charge of the power of life and death!

After several people realized that they were completely exhausted and had no chance of grabbing the candied haws, they immediately changed their strategies and knelt on the ground, shamelessly begging for the mercy of the two cute babies——

"Little princess, young master, we were wrong! We were also confused for a moment. Can't we change it?"

"Yes, yes, we are just entrusted by others to do things. We are just minions. We really have no grudges against you. Please let us go!"

"Moreover, we are overestimating our capabilities. How could we possibly kidnap two immortal figures? Let us slap you, and slap ourselves!"

"I promise that after I go out, I will be a new person and change my mind. Well... I will also spend all my money and donate money to build kindergartens, children's playgrounds, and free toy rooms..."

"I promise to honor you every day!"

Several people were talking desperately, trying to persuade the two to show their favor.

Beigong Niannian raised her chin proudly, not looking at them at all.

Gong Ting's face darkened, and he pointed at the short and sharp man in the lead: "Haha, you have the nerve to say you are a gangster? Don't think I can't help you. You just shouted at my little sister during the court session this morning. That man who speaks dirty words, has a sharp mouth, and speaks nonsense is called Wu Chi’s idiot!"

Wu Chi shuddered, thinking that he had already disguised himself as Pu Tong's bodyguard, how could he be recognized by a child of several years old?

"Ahem, cough, cough, master, you have made a mistake. This slave is just a worker..." He tried to continue pretending.

Gong Ting mercilessly exposed it: "You are a slave, but it's a pity that you are not a slave to do things, but a slave to give orders! Isn't it that your mouth was swollen like a sausage when you were wearing a mask in court today? Really? No one else has your 'talent'!"

Wu Chi suddenly turned red with embarrassment.

Damn it, even a little kid is humiliating him! It is unbearable!

However, if you can't bear it, you still have to endure it.

Wu Chi said with a shy face: "Young Master, yes, Wu is not talented and was instigated by others... It was the eldest lady of the Xiahou family who instigated me! Really, she is the mastermind. Tell your father, go Arrest her! I am innocent, I was coerced by her, wuwuwuwu, I have an old man, a young family, and a lovely wife. How could I do such a dangerous thing of kidnapping? Wasn’t it because I was coerced by her? The...wuwuwu..."

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