Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1952 The little witch who pretends to be a pig and eats the tiger

Qianqian Novel Network

Bei Gong Niannian smiled, holding her chin cutely with her chubby white hands: "Oh, maybe my hands shook just now and I accidentally put a little too much. Well, it hurts a little bit. Please bear with it. It’ll be fine, it won’t hurt anymore after you’re completely dead!”

Everyone's hearts trembled, and they looked at Beigong Niannian in fear.

Oh my god, this is not a fool, she is just a little witch who pretends to be a pig and eats the tiger!

What does "it won't hurt when you're dead"?

Gong Ting glanced at Bei Gong Niannian with a complicated expression, pushed away the man who was too weak to restrain him, and walked step by step to Bei Gong Niannian: "Are you okay? Will this poisonous mist hurt yourself? ?”

Applying poison is different from releasing poisonous fog.

Everyone can breathe the poisonous mist. If Nian Nian throws herself into it in order to kill these scum and save him, he will not be able to rest in peace even if he dies.

Because he couldn't protect Nian Nian for his little sister, he wouldn't be able to let it go even if he went to hell.

Who knows.

Beigong Niannian chuckled: "Brother Tuanzi, after all, I have a family background and a background in pharmaceuticals and poisoning. How could I be injured by poison? And you don't have to worry about yourself. We all ate candied haws, did you forget? The antidote I put it on the candied haws. If you eat it, you’ll be fine.”

The corners of Gong Ting's lips twitched for a long time. What is his family background? ? ?

Immediately, he couldn't help but look at the half-candied haws that had been thrown on the ground casually: "..."

Fortunately, in order to prevent him from being poisoned, Niannian tried her best to persuade him to eat candied haws when they met.

And at that time, he was stupidly disgusted with her saliva on the candied haws!

Who knew that Nian Nian was begging him to eat this in order to protect him...

At this moment, Gong Ting felt that he was so childish. The previous pretense of maturity and coldness was like heaven and earth compared with the cunning, cunning and righteousness of this little nanny.

Of course, he was the one on the ground.

After closing his eyes, he lowered his eyes and said softly: "Thank you, sister Nian Nian."

He had always called the little nanny a "little brat" with contempt, and had never called the little nanny "Miss, miss you". Now, this calm and even slightly grateful "sister" made Beigong miss him instantly. Surprise!

Yeah, her dumpling brother is finally not aloof anymore! She's not used to it anymore.

However, before Beigong Niannian could utter an exclamation, a burst of crazy noise stole her attention.

I saw eight big men lying on the ground, fighting each other for it:

"This is mine! I grabbed it first!"

"Do you care who comes first? It's up to whoever gets it last!"

"Uh... ow, you are shameless and took it from my mouth. My mouth was torn apart by you..."

"Ugh—! Don't kick me in the stomach. I've already swallowed it and can't spit it out. Ugh—!"

"Haha, who said that if you can't spit it out, you will be kicked out? The antidote belongs to me hahahaha——!"

When those people heard that there was an antidote in the candied haws, they rushed over like crazy, fighting for the last candied haws that fell on the ground and was covered with dust.

For the only antidote, a fight was fought, and someone who had clearly swallowed it was brutally torn open and clawed out.

The short and lean man in the end was the most vicious. He kicked the other person's stomach almost to pieces, forcing the other person to vomit. Then, he pinched the shapeless candied haws out of the pile of vomit. , put it into your mouth happily... Real-life ladies provide online services to help you find books and chat with you. Please WeChat/Letter/Search/Search for popular online articles or rdww444, waiting for you to tease~

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