Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1951: The most poisonous thing is a woman’s heart

Qianqian Novel Network

The leading man looked at Beigong Niannian with contempt.

To him, this little milk bag is just an insignificant silly boy. He doesn't even need to be tied up and can follow people with a piece of candied haws.

However, Silly Baitian is really annoying. The little boy was so nervous that he wanted to fight him. This idiot didn't even react at all. Here, the uncle and the elder uncle were just chatting.

He was looking forward to it even more. Seeing this little girl crying with fright, her beautiful face turned pale, her nose dripping with tears, taking a picture of it and sending it to Gu Qiqi, it would make Gu Qiqi's stinky girl even more proud. Their hearts are like knives, and they are in pain and want to live.

Anything that makes Gu Qiqi suffer is the same thing that makes him happy!

Thinking of this, he sneered: "You mean me slapping this brat named Gong is too violent? Okay, I'll do something non-violent. I think this boy has thin skin and tender flesh. It's good to be a little boy==girl. . Little sister, do you know what the female branch is? If you don’t know, let him demonstrate it to you on the spot? How about on-site teaching...?"

"Hahahaha!" The bodyguards around laughed.

Hey, if Gong Jue's son was allowed to serve them, and Gu Qiqi's daughter was watching, the scene would be too beautiful to imagine.

This little kid will be scared to death, right?

After all, Gong Ting was a little older and could already understand the meaning of their bastard words. Hearing this, he became angry and said, "How dare you! I don't mind dying with you!"

A young boy with a fierce temper would rather be broken into pieces than destroyed!

"Hey, I still want to experience the feeling of dying with you, little brother! Hahahaha!" The leading man felt even more accomplished and unscrupulous when he saw Gong Ting getting angry.

He was about to pinch Gong Ting's little face with his dirty hands.

Beigong Niannian suddenly blinked her big eyes, interrupted him, and said innocently: "Hey, uncle, you seem to have made a mistake. I just said that Brother Tuanzi is too violent to you. It's really not good to pinch your neck or anything like's not good... why do we need to do anything to you? Isn't it better to be gentle?"

Gong Ting was stunned.

The eight grown men present were even more confused.

What does it mean? ? ?

Bei Gong Niannian sat by the window, like a little princess doll carved with pink and jade, and smiled sweetly: "For example, let's smell the fragrant smell together, have a good sleep, and wake up to find that we are already in heaven. This Isn't it a wonderful thing? No need to use hands or blood, how gentle..."

Beigong Niannian's childish voice is very clear, soft and sweet, and is indescribably pleasant to the ear.

However, everyone who heard this sentence felt their hearts sinking and felt inexplicably horrified! No one thinks this sentence is so gentle!


What smell?

They felt that there was a sweet milk baby smell in the air.

Could it be...

Everyone pinched their noses in unison!

Unfortunately it was too late.

The moment Beigong Niannian finished speaking, everyone felt as if a bottomless hole had been opened in their minds, giving them a splitting headache!

Their internal organs were filled with a strange fragrance, running wildly inside their bodies, causing pain like heartbreaking pain wherever they went!

Damn, there is nothing more poisonous than a woman's heart.

Even a two-year-old woman! ! !

The leading man pointed angrily at Bei Gong and said: "You... you little witch, what kind of poisonous mist did you release?"

Some bodyguards asked stupidly: "Didn't you say it's very gentle and painless? Why does this poisonous gas hurt so much? Ouch..." A real lady is available online to help you find books and chat with you. Please use WeChat/Chat/Search/ or rdww444 are waiting for you~

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