Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1971: Swear to have skin-to-skin contact with Gong Jue

Qianqian Novel Network

Xiahou Susu's already pale face turned even paler after being shouted at by Gong Jue.

This man is as rough and strong as ever.

But she just likes his masculine flavor!

She didn't know how many times she had fantasized in her heart about what it would be like to be suppressed by such a powerful man.

She has even fantasized countless times about using her wrist to push back on such a top-notch man and make him kneel down and lick her. What would it feel like!

At this moment, Gong Jue's loud shouting did not frighten her, but made her...legs involuntarily pinch, pinch, pinch...

Xiahou Susu licked her lips and flinched pretending to be weak: "Sir, let me just say it directly... Do you still remember the five-year-old you met near the Wuming Village in Hanbeiling more than ten years ago? A little girl?"

Gong Jue snapped impatiently: "What a little girl! I asked you to talk about the key points. If you continue to talk nonsense to me, I will--"

The rude roar stopped abruptly.

More than ten years ago, in Hanbeiling, a five-year-old girl?

Gong Jue suddenly trembled.

His little wildcat girl?

How did Xiahou Susu know?

Gong Jue's face turned cold for a moment. He stood up from his seat and locked eyes with Xiahou Susu like a torch: "Explain it to me clearly! What a five-year-old girl!"

Xiahou Susu stared at the change in Gong Jue's expression for a moment.

Seeing this moment, she finally felt a little relieved. Gong Jue was serious!

There's something interesting about this!

But she must not relax. Today will be a difficult psychological battle.

She must not lose to Gong Jue like that loser Wu Chi who easily lost to Gu Qiqi.

She wants to conquer this man.

Moreover, her goal tonight was not only to get Gong Jue to be open to her, but she also vowed to have skin-to-skin contact with Gong Jue tonight!

However, this process of conquest was far more difficult than she imagined!

Gong Jue is not an easy man to deal with.

As soon as Xiahou Susu opened her mouth, she felt a sharp and cold aura surrounding her body, which made her breathless. The look in Gong Jue's eyes was so terrifying that she almost surrendered.

"Sir, Your Majesty... More than ten years ago, there was a five-year-old little girl. Did she save you? By a creek, she fed you medicine, applied medicine, and took you to a cave to rest. Treatment... so that your serious injuries were healed? Later, the little girl would never forget you for the rest of her life, but you... seemed to have completely forgotten her..."

Xiahou Susu finished these words in a messy manner with great difficulty.

The expression on Gong Jue's face was very cold, and it was hard to tell whether he was happy or angry at the moment.

Xiahou Susu felt something was wrong. Logically speaking, Gong Jue should be very grateful to his savior. Why did he have such an expression?

It seems that there is more anger than joy?

Is there something wrong with her?

Obviously... the fragments in the memory of the real Xiahou Susu are a memory from that time... The real Xiahou Susu cannot lie! That weak damn woman has only so much use value. If she dares to lie, she will abuse this stinky bitch's body tonight. Why not break her virginity with an eggplant?

Bai Moli cursed fiercely in her heart, and at the same time she was puzzled. Did she, Bai Moli, neglect any detail just now? Did she make a slip of the tongue?

While her mind was pounding, Gong Jue finally spoke - do you have to find the latest chapter by yourself when reading a book? You are OUT, follow the public account on WeChat: Youdu Literature or the suduwx beauty editor will help you find books! You really can do both reading and flirting with girls!

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