Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1972 Don’t think that I can’t see through that you are lying!

No. 1 can’t see through that you are lying!

"You know, what are the consequences of lying to me?" Gong Jue's face was extremely cold, "The last woman who lied to me and tried to slander me was named Bai Moli. I already shot her in the head. Do you think, I How many guns will you reward the second White Jasmine?"

When Xiahou Susu heard this, her heart trembled uncontrollably!

Lord of the palace!

Three years ago you personally ordered my execution, and now you poke my scar again in front of my reborn soul!

If I don’t conquer you completely this time, my last name will not be Bai in my previous life!

Her nose lifted, but her voice still sounded weak and frail: "Jue, Sir, please don't scare me, my heart is not good, I... I can't breathe!"

Lieutenant Lu's lips twitched sharply, and he put her on the ventilator.

After a long while, Xiahou Susu took a deep breath and said, "Sir, Sir, everything they say is true. If there is any lies, there will be thunder and lightning from the sky!"

"Rumble--!" Thunder flashed across the sky.

Xiahou Susu was so frightened that she almost peed.

Forced to calm down, she continued: "Do you really not remember the five-year-old girl you met in the nameless village of Hanbeiling?"

Gong Jue said coldly: "That girl is not you."

Xiahou Susu's heart was beating like a drum: "Things back then were too far away. I only remember saving you. If there are any mistakes I made, it was not intentional on my part. It is time that has slightly distorted my memory..."

Adjutant Lu frowned: "Hey, Miss Xiahou, don't talk about time. It doesn't sound right to me as a bystander! If you really saved the Lord more than ten years ago, you should know that those who died back then deserved their punishment, right? Why didn’t you stand up and testify when Sir Alex was wrongly accused three years ago? Now, what he said in hindsight has stuck with you, are you lying?!”

Adjutant Lu's momentum was inferior to Gong Jue by countless ranks.

Such a long and sharp question was not as good as Gong Jue's question, which did not intimidate Xiahou Susu at all.

Haha, of course this is a big bug!

But do you think I, Bai Moli, am not prepared? I have already thought of a countermeasure!

The weakness on Xiahou Susu's face made me pity me even more, and she defended herself so brilliantly: "Adjutant Lu, three years ago I didn't know that that person was the Duke, and even the Duke's dirty video made me They all refused to watch it because I didn’t believe that Sir Alex was traitorous to the country. I thought the video must be fake! Although I have always been deeply in love with the beautiful boy I saved more than ten years ago, I didn’t know that boy was Sir Alex until today. ! Because I just learned from Wu Chi today that the black material video from three years ago was omitted. Sir Alex asked the villagers where the girl went! Then I contacted Sir Alex and the boy. We were together, and then went back to carefully watch the blurry video from back then, and recognized that Sir Alex was the boy back then... Otherwise, if I had known earlier, I would have confessed to Sir Alex..."

Adjutant Lu was so shocked that he couldn't speak: "..."

Holy shit, that sounds logical.

Could it be that Xiahou Susu was really the Duke's...saviour?

This, in this case, she was charged with murder today, would Sir, please repay her favor and absolve her of the crime?

Just when there was a conflict between heaven and man in Lieutenant Lu's mind, he was extremely entangled.

Gong Jue spoke coldly again——

"Xiahou Susu, your script is too messy!"

Adjutant Lu looked confused: "..."

What? How could Sir Alex see that Xiahou Susu was writing a script?

This adjutant's IQ is not enough.

Xiahou Susu's heart was beating so fast that it almost burst out of her heart: "Sir, I don't know what you mean?"

"Humph, Xiahou Susu, your Xiahou family only has two daughters, but the girl I met back then had a son and a daughter in the family! Can you tell me where you made up a younger brother to replace him!" Gong Jue said coldly. Like a knife, it pierced Xiahou Susu's heart!

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