Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1988: Xiahou bitch, why are you lying!

Qianqian Novel Network

The polygraph will go off. If it is not malfunctioning, there is only one reason. The person using the polygraph has lied!

Everyone's eyes were instantly focused on Xiahou Susu!

The technician rushed forward to check and found that everything was normal with the polygraph.

Now that the fault has been eliminated, doesn't it mean that there is only one possibility - Xiahou Susu lied? !

The judge frowned and asked the clerk next to Xiahou Susu: "What question did you ask her just now?"

Everyone had just been immersed in the DNA identification provided by Gu Qiqi and the statements of the deceased's family members invited from overseas. They were so shocked that no one paid attention to Xiahou Susu's activities.

I couldn't help but be confused at this moment. Xiahou Susu's testimony had not been finished. What other questions could he answer?

The clerk resisted the invisible pressure in everyone's sight and said weakly: "I, I just asked Miss Xiahou and asked her to confirm for the last time whether she was satisfied with Gong Jue's killing of the fake villagers of Wuming Village and the previous incident in Hanbeiling. The jungle killed the fake imperial soldiers, all with my own eyes. Can you swear that there is no lie... Then, after she hesitated and said yes, the lie detector went off!"

"Wow——!" Everyone was excited.

These two issues are core issues, okay?

If Miss Xiahou didn't see it with her own eyes and only heard about it through hearsay, that would not prove Gong Jue's innocence at all.

What on earth is this woman doing?

The judge was also furious and banged his gavel: "Quiet! Quiet! Xiahou Susu, let me ask you again, which part of your testimony today is true? Which part is false! Do you have any Anyone who has seen Gong Jue kill with his own eyes is a fake!"

Xiahou Susu trembled, and her face instantly turned extremely pale. She pursed her lips and could not speak. Instead, she glanced at Gu Qiqi in the seat next to her with uncertainty in her eyes: "I...I..."

Gu Qiqi looked back coldly!

Seeing that the lawsuit is about to succeed, what on earth is Xiahou Susu doing?

Even if this woman is disgusted and jealous of herself, doesn't this woman love Gong Jue as much as she claims?

Since you love him, why would you do something like this halfway? !

The judge impatiently banged the gavel again: "What's going on? Xiahou Susu, this is a court. You must answer the judge's questions honestly, and you must not be secretive! Otherwise, it will be contempt of court, and the crime will be increased!"

Xiahou Susu took a deep breath, as if she had finally figured it out, and whispered: "I, to be honest, I didn't see Gong Jue murder with my own eyes. When he and I met in the stream far away outside Wuming Village, Bian, although I also went to the village later, I had already left the village when he killed people... As for the killing of imperial soldiers in some dense forest before, I don't even know..."

This time, the polygraph was quiet and did not beep.

The audience in the audience could no longer control themselves:

"So you have been giving false evidence before?"

"You didn't even see Gong Jue kill anyone, how do you know whether he killed enemies or villagers?"

"Could everything you said before be just speculation, right? You're so mentally strong that the lie detector couldn't detect your lies before?"

"Xiahou Susu, are you here for the Black Palace Lord?"

Facing a group of questions in the audience, Xiahou Susu's face turned pale as paper, her tone trembled, and she looked extremely weak and helpless - you still have to find the latest chapter by yourself when reading a book? You are OUT, follow the public account on WeChat: Youdu Literature or the suduwx beauty editor will help you find books! You really can do both reading and flirting with girls!

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