Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1989: Lawyer Gu taught me to do this...

Qianqian Novel Network

"No, no, please listen to my explanation. I didn't mean it. I just don't know about the dense forest and the imperial soldiers. But I have been to the nameless village, and what I said before about Count Hef is also true... " Xiahou Susu tried hard to defend.

However, who can hear such a vague explanation in a low voice?

Everyone focused on her previous lie.

The court hearing scene is about to become uncontrollable.

This is very detrimental to Gong Jue!

Gu Qiqi made a prompt decision and stepped forward to interrupt her to prevent her from giving more wrong answers: "Your Honor, our witness's testimony took too long and became incoherent due to mental fatigue. We apply for her to temporarily Retire to court and rest.”

If at this time, Xiahou Susu admitted that she was mentally exhausted and quickly left the court, the situation could still be dealt with!

However, when the judge asked Xiahou Susu if she wanted to leave, she shook her head violently: "No, no, I have no mental problems. Can you please let me explain clearly and restate my testimony? I want everyone to know that Gong Jue is really innocent, at least the video in Wuming Village was a huge misunderstanding of him..."

She spoke so sincerely that the judge hesitated for a second and decided to give her another chance. He asked her in a deep voice: "Since you know clearly that you have never experienced the scene where the palace lord slaughtered the imperial soldiers in the dense forest. After experiencing the massacre of villagers in Wuming Village, and it was an incomplete one, why didn't you make it clear when you testified just now? Do you want to get away with it? When the clerk reminded you to confirm, you also lied and said you knew everything, and the result Did the polygraph detect your lies? If you can explain your behavior clearly, I will consider letting you continue to testify!"

Facing the judge's question, Xiahou Susu's expression changed again. Once again, she looked at Gu Qiqi with a look of bewilderment.

Gu Qiqi's heart skipped a beat, and a bad premonition suddenly arose.

Why does Xiahou Susu always look at her?

Look at her but don't listen to her instructions, don't follow the script here?

Xiahou Susu asked the judge cautiously: "Really? If I tell the truth, will you give me a chance to admit that the testimony I gave Gong Jue is valid?"

The judge nodded: "You must tell the truth!"

Xiahou Susu looked at Gu Qiqi for the third time. She seemed to be unable to speak, and was struggling with anxiety in her heart. After a long while, she timidly and slowly said: "I don't know much about legal matters. It's before the trial. Lawyer Gu told me that if I encounter a question that I don’t know how to answer, as long as it is beneficial to Gong Jue, I will always answer yes... That’s why I just answered yes to the things I didn’t know... I’m sorry, your honor. , I now know I was wrong! I acted like this because I really didn’t understand. I really believed that Gong Jue was innocent, so I acted like this out of anxiety..."

As she spoke, she glanced at Gong Jue's face, which had become frighteningly gloomy, and when Gu Qiqi's eyes also turned cold, she quickly added desperately: "But this is not Lawyer Gu's fault, it is my fault, it is my ignorance. I'm ignorant, so I answer random things I don't know... Oh, it's all my fault, it's my fault... Can I admit my mistake now? Please accept my initial testimony and make the mistake of answering randomly in the last sentence Can you delete the testimony for me?" The online service of real girls will help you find books to chat with you. Please WeChat/Letter/Search/Search for popular online articles or rdww444, waiting for you to tease~

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