Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2000 A very heavy secret poison!

Qianqian Novel Network

Although the Gu family is not one of the first-class wealthy families in the imperial capital, they are still from a scholarly family and have a prosperous family background.

Although the old lady has lost a lot of money, the Gu family still has many pillar industries.

Most of the property was publicly handed over to Gu Qiqi by the old man at the family dinner last time, and Gu Qiqi lived up to expectations. The business was prosperous and she definitely paid a lot of dividends to the old man.

No matter how poor the Gu family is, they will never lack this little money for medical treatment.

You must know that in the past, when the old man was ill, he would always ask the family doctor to see him.

Nowadays, even if you have a disease that cannot be cured by a family doctor and you have to go to the hospital, you should at least go to the Imperial First Central Hospital. If you want to see a Chinese medicine doctor, it is better to go to the Imperial National Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine or the Imperial Medical University Affiliated Hospital...

You can’t go to a small street-affiliated traditional Chinese medicine hospital, right?

It's not that he looks down on this small hospital, but that the old man is over seventy years old. At such an old age, no matter what kind of disease he has, it will affect the whole body.

Once there is an emergency in the hospital, general practitioners and professionals need to work together to rescue the patient.

Block hospitals, on the other hand, are only suitable for general outpatient services to treat citizens' common illnesses, minor colds, minor sprains, or ordinary chronic diseases that do not involve life or death.

How can such a small hospital be suitable for hospitalization? !

The Gu family is not short of money, and the old man is not suitable for living in a small hospital. But now the old man is stuck here. Who made this stupid arrangement?

Gu Qiqi opened the door to the ward with a cold look in her eyes.

Good guy, we arranged a ten-person, super crowded general ward.

Gu Qiqi was completely angry.

The old man has been respected by people all his life, has many talents all over the world, and has contributed countless things to society. He has devoted his whole life to the Gu family and worked hard to maintain it. He did not expect that he would have to live in an overcrowded ten-person room in a small hospital in his old age. This is really humiliating.

Even Tong Yanwuji's Nian Nian covered his nose as soon as he stepped into the ward: "Mommy, it smells so bad here! Why does grandpa live in a smelly house?"

Gu Qiqi looked up and saw that in the crowded ten-person room, Mr. Gu was actually placed in the worst position near the toilet.

The old man had an oxygen tank plugged in, his eyes were closed tightly, his face was ashen, and his whole body was as thin as firewood. He looked in terrible condition!

But Mrs. Gu, Gu Xuexue and others sitting next to him were holding their mobile phones together, not knowing what they were scrolling about.

"Grandma, that bitch Gu Qiqi blocked me!"

"Leave her alone! Please help me see what I think of the jewelry in this auction house first. I want to auction this one online, okay?"

"Oh grandma, you have such good taste, this is a yellow diamond!

"Haha, if you grab it, grandma will give you a pair of diamond earrings to play with!"

"Oh, grandma, you are so kind to me... I only have you as my only relative now..."

Gu Qiqi endured her nausea and walked forward. She ignored the grandfather and grandson and looked at the sleeping Mr. Gu.

She put her hand on the old man's pulse and soon noticed something was wrong with the pulse.


Dark poison!

The old man is deeply poisonous and is in danger!

Her expression changed, and her sharp eyes immediately turned to Mrs. Gu and Gu Xuexue!

And those two people didn't look at her angrily at this moment -

"Gu Qiqi, you are so shameless, you actually blocked me. If I hadn't informed your grandpa so kindly, you might have had to see grandpa at the funeral!"

"Xuexue, don't talk to her about these useless things! Gu Qiqi, I asked you to come see the old man today to let you -" A real lady is online to help you find books to chat with you, please WeChat /Search/Search for popular web articles or rdww444 is waiting for you~

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