Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2001 The left side is shameless, the right side is too thick!

Qianqian Novel Network

Before Mrs. Gu finished speaking, Gu Qiqi had already interrupted her coldly, going straight to the point: "Who poisoned my grandpa? If I find out, I will let her eat 10,000 poisonous insects to kill her." !”

One, one, ten thousand poisonous insects?

The arrogant airs of Mrs. Gu and Gu Xuexue just now shrank a lot!

This little bitch Gu Qiqi is so cruel!

Gu Xuexue is now a bereaved dog, and she finally gets involved with Mrs. Gu again, so of course she has to work hard to show off.

She calmed down and said first, "Gu Qiqi, how can you speak to an elder like this? You scolded me and threatened me, but you actually scolded grandma and threatened grandma!"

Gu Qiqi said coldly: "Threatening you? So you admit that you were the ones who poisoned grandpa?"

Gu Xuexue's face changed: "I, I didn't admit it, you are just spitting!"

Gu Qiqi: "You are in contact with grandpa every day. Grandpa's good body has been poisoned, and it has become like this. Why is he still spraying you with blood? The spittle can kill you!"

She glanced around and said coolly: "You still let me live in a ward like this, which is dark, damp, and smelly. Are you afraid that my grandfather will get better?!"

"You! Gu Qiqi, shut up!" Old Mrs. Gu banged her cane with an angry look on her face, "It's not good to dislike the ward. Then you have to see how much money the Gu family has. Can they afford him to live in a high-end ward? ! Your grandpa doesn’t have a penny in his account, so he lives in Mao? In this ward now, I had to pay for him to live in this ward with my parents’ money, otherwise he would have to wait for death at home! Do you understand?”

"Not a penny? Haha, whose account did grandpa's money go into?" Gu Qiqi didn't believe the old lady's lie at all!

The old lady frowned: "What, you don't believe me? If you don't believe me, then check the accounts!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiaotuanzi took out his mini-laptop and started to hack a certain bank account... while Xiaotuanzi looked on with interest.

Gu Qiqi didn't pay attention to the actions of Xiaotuanzi and Xiaonaibao, but looked at Old Mrs. Gu indignantly.

She opened her thin lips coldly and said sarcastically: "Old lady, could it be that you took off the left side of your cheek and put it on the right side?"

"You, what do you mean by this?" Mrs. Gu didn't react for a moment.

Gu Qiqi remained silent.

The laughing little girl explained in a coquettish voice: "Don't you understand this? This is commonly known as the left side is shameless, the right side is too thick!"

Mrs. Gu suddenly turned pale!

This little brat has the same irritating skills as her mother!

They should all be poisoned to death!

Her lips trembled with anger, and the old lady finally couldn't recognize it anymore. She threw away all her reserved masks and shouted in the ward: "Gu Qiqi, my old man was poisoned to death by your unfilial granddaughter! Be polite to you, you But you are going even harder to murder us, are you willing to poison me to death?"

Gu Qiqi laughed sarcastically: "Me? You said I poisoned grandpa? You don't have a brain? I don't go back to Gu's house once in a year and a half, where do you want me to poison? Brains are ten good things, remember Don’t throw them away all the time!”

"Hmph, if you don't tell secrets, Mingren, the sea dragon horn you gave to the old man contains a poison! The old man was already dead before he finished eating! Nervous failure, organ failure... these are all caused by you, Gu Qiqi! "The old lady was crying all over the place.

Gu Qiqi was slightly startled.

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