Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2002: There are more important things than torturing Gu Qiqi

Qianqian Novel Network

Sea dragon horns cannot be poisonous!

Gu Qiqi specially refined it in a small medicine furnace. Even if there were any impurities before, they would definitely be purified and cleaned up during the process of refining the medicine.

This poison is definitely from outside!

Gu Qiqi looked at the old lady and Gu Xuexue coldly.

Unexpectedly, the old lady didn't say a few words, but she started crying and shouting at the patients in the next bed: "My granddaughter has no conscience, she wants to poison my old man to death and monopolize the family property... You kind-hearted people Help me redress my grievances online..."

The old lady acted so miserably, and there was indeed a chorus of agreement.

Suddenly someone took out his mobile phone to take a photo and upload it to the Internet.

Gu Qiqi's eyes became colder: "So, in addition to murdering grandpa, you also want to drag me into trouble and accuse me of poisoning?"

She laughed angrily: "Do you understand the law? Do you know that everything depends on evidence? You just slander people and commit crimes with empty words. Are you too naive or do you think the laws of the empire are child's play!"

"Our evidence is that the sea dragon horn you gave grandpa is poisonous!"

"Humph, of course we have evidence. The old man was fine, but his health got worse and worse after eating sea dragon horns. Who else could have done it if it wasn't you?"

Gu Qiqi was too lazy to pay attention to these two idiots: "You'd better pray that your hands and feet are clean. If I catch evidence that you poisoned Hailongjiao... I said, ten thousand poisonous insects... are waiting for you! "

After saying that, she directly pressed the emergency button on the bedside: "Please send medical staff here, my grandfather must be transferred to the hospital!"

Seeing that Gu Qiqi didn't fall into their trap at all, Mrs. Gu and Gu Xuexue's wishful thinking came to nothing.

But how could they tolerate Mr. Gu moving the hospital away from their sphere of influence?

Only in this kind of small neighborhood hospital can they control the old man and let him die whenever he wants. Even if he doesn't die, he can still receive a few more years of honorary money... and he can even die when Gu Qiqi comes to visit. Now that's the point... Anyway, it's as good as it gets!

Seeing that something was wrong, Mrs. Gu quickly took out her trump card——

She threw herself into Mr. Gu's heart and cried: "Old man, we won't leave! You said you liked this hospital, and I will resolutely defend your dignity..."

The tone is called a righteous speech, and the behavior is called a rogue and rogue.

Gu Qiqi frowned, she couldn't beat this old lady in public!

This behavior is so disgusting!

Gong Ting's heart moved when he saw Gu Qiqi angry and embarrassed.

Recently, the young lady has been worrying about his father and son, and even Nian Nian is better than him.

Should he also do more for the little sister?

Thinking of this, he silently opened the mini laptop page and tapped quickly with his fingers...

The old lady's behavior caught Gu Qiqi off guard.

Her face was as dark as water, and she took two steps away to dial the phone.

Gong Jue's phone is busy.

She then dialed another one: "Nineteen, book the best special care ward for me...wait a minute and send me ten more female bodyguards!"

She arranged the ward first, put down the phone, and prepared to use the simplest and crudest way to carry the old lady out with female bodyguards!

But I didn't expect that,

Before the female bodyguard arrived, the old lady jumped up, held up her mobile phone, and ran out nervously, not caring about the mess!

Is there anything more important than embarrassing and tormenting Gu Qiqi?

Xiao Naibao pointed at the screen curiously and watched Xiao Tuanzi inputting codes one after another: "Brother Tuanzi, did you ask that bad mother-in-law to leave? You are so awesome. What did you do?"

Xiaotuanzi: "I didn't do anything. I just hacked the bank system. The system automatically sent a text message to the old witch every minute, telling her that her bank account was missing tens of thousands of yuan..."

Little milk bag: "..."

Isn’t this outrageous?

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