Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2010: Tear down Chu Junmo’s roof!

Qianqian Novel Network

"Tell your President Chu to come out! He secretly acts like a shrunken turtle. What kind of man is he? If you have the ability to come out and reject me in person, tell me clearly!"

Gong Jue's voice was cold, but anger was about to escape his thin lips.

The servant had been facing Gong Jue all afternoon, and he was so frightened that he was about to collapse. At this moment, he actually heard Gong Jue say, "President Chu rejected him"?

The servant's mind suddenly went off-line. His imagination was so wide open that he almost dropped his jaw - what? Sir Alex is here to express his love to the CEO? Is it because the CEO took so long to meet a guest to politely refuse?

Oh my god, I’m so scared!

The servant didn't dare to look at the Lord Gong. He lowered his head and murmured: "If you want to reply to the Lord, the president really has a guest... How about you give him a call..."

Gong Jue glared at him fiercely: "What are you doing on the phone?"

In fact, he no longer had Chu Junmo’s phone number. He had not restored it since he was blocked and deleted last time.

But he won't admit it.

The servant was about to cry: "Sir, I really can't help it..."

"Which guest room is he meeting guests in? Take me there!" Gong Jue said in a deep voice. He didn't want to embarrass a servant either. It’s better for me to go directly!

"If we go back to Sir Alex, the president is in the study. However, there are traps in the corridor outside the study. We servants can't get close. Unless the president personally sends the guests out, no one can get in." The servant answered honestly.

"No one can get in? Are you sure?"

"Uh... unless the house is completely demolished..." the servant glanced at Gong Jue and said weakly.

Gong Jue: "..."

Not to mention, the last time Chu Junmo left Gu Qiqi here for dinner, a man and a woman were alone in the same room, so he was so angry that he barged in to rob her.

The bomb was really thrown back then, destroying the trap that Chu Junmo had worked so hard to set up, and even knocking down the ceiling of Chu Junmo's bedroom.

Maybe since that time, Chu Junmo stepped up the design of the machine technique and built a solid defense that was a hundred times stronger than before. Was it to guard against him?

Gong Jue's lips twitched slightly.

He thought to himself that it would not be difficult to tear off Chu Daiyu's roof again.

But, did he really want to make Chu Junmo so nervous when he met him?

He can't forget the original intention of this trip.

A switch suddenly flipped in his mind, and Gong Jue gradually calmed down——

He came to ask Chu Junmo to testify in court, and confessed that the young man who cooked the medicine was Chu Junmo himself. Chu Junmo had personally experienced the entire process of massacring Count Hef's scum, and was the most perfect witness in the case that year!

Chu Junmo’s testimony is very important!

He finally managed to pull himself together and asked Chu Junmo for help, but before they even met, he barged into someone else's study and ripped off someone else's roof... One can only imagine the outcome of this matter.

In order to settle the case as soon as possible, and in order to prevent Qiqi from worrying about him anymore, no matter how simple, rough and tactful his character, Gong Jue, must learn to be patient today!

Gong Jue closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, he was much calmer: "Go and do your business! Your CEO's guest has left, please notify me as soon as possible!"

The servant was ready to be beaten by the palace lord, but he didn't expect that the volcano turned into an iceberg just before it erupted!

After the disaster, he nodded hurriedly, with tears of gratitude in his voice: "Yes, yes! I must be keeping an eye on you, Sir! The guest has been discussing with the president for most of the day, and he hasn't even eaten dinner yet. I guess, little slave It should be almost finished..." When reading a book, do you still have to find the latest chapter by yourself? You are OUT, follow the public account on WeChat: Youdu Literature or the suduwx beauty editor will help you find books! You really can do both reading and flirting with girls!

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