Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2011 The most shameless man in the world

Qianqian Novel Network

However, the servant's estimation was completely wrong.

Even Gong Jue's previous guess that Chu Junmo wanted to embarrass him and deliberately show off his power and not come out to see him was completely wrong.

Chu Junmo did not have the ability to predict the future.

Of course, he didn't know that Gong Jue would come to Chu's house to find him today.

Little did he know that Gong Jue had been waiting outside for almost a whole day...

In the study.

Chu Junmo's "guest" was sitting leisurely on the executive chair in the study room, looking through the account books on Chu Junmo's desk.

Instead, Chu Junmo sat in the guest seat, looking unusually pale and tired.

He had always been calm and composed even under the overwhelming pressure. At this moment, his whole person actually showed a trace of chaos and instability.

You could even see the veins on his forehead beating faintly. He wanted to stand up, but couldn't move.

"Don't bother fighting with my snakewort. President Chu, you know, this herb is the most effective in restraining your heart. If the incense candle made of snakewort is burned continuously for 24 hours, I'm afraid your heart will be completely damaged. It's useless, and there's no chance of living again." The man in the main seat spoke word by word with no expression on his face.

He was wearing a black robe and a pair of luxurious and low-key gray leather shoes, which were exposed from the bottom of the robe and were just right.

This outfit, like his whole body, doesn't look very thrilling, but it hides an edge and strength that no one can see through!

Even though Chu Junmo had been a man for several generations, experienced ups and downs, and was good at planning, he still felt like he couldn't do anything in front of him!

Chu Jun's lips turned green and he said coldly: "The palace owner of the Palace of Medicine and the president of the Great Pharmacist Guild actually used such despicable methods to threaten others! The snake grass can suppress me Heart, if you don’t use this medicine, do you dare to challenge me? I, Chu Junmo, may not be afraid of you!"

The air was silent for a moment.

The Palace Master of the Medicine Palace raised her eyes slightly, but her tone was still very calm, without any ups and downs: "Since a little snake plant can suppress you, why should I bother to fight with you?"

Chu Junmo: "..."

I'm so angry that I can't speak, okay?

He thought that Gong Jue was already the most shameless man in the world, but he didn't expect that the palace master was as shameless as Gong Jue.

After being silent for a long time, he said slowly: "Our Chu family is doing a small business, making a living, and the medicine palace is the richest in the world. It's not interesting to look at our Chu family's shabby account books, right?"

The Palace Master of Medicine Palace nodded: "It's quite shabby."

Chu Junmo: "..."

I was so angry that I vomited blood!

The heart is not disabled, the blood vessels are cleared first!

He, Chu Junmo, was just being modest and pretending to be sarcastic, but he didn't expect this upright palace lord to actually nod in recognition.

Is he shabby?

Does he, Chu Junmo, look like a shabby person?

However, the next second.

The Master of the Medicine Palace said: "Shabby is a bit shabby, but if there are the medicinal materials I want to find, it can be considered to have some value."

Chu Junmo: "..."

I don’t want to talk to you anymore! Angry.

The Palace Master of Medicine Palace patiently flipped through the thousands of account books on Chu Junmo's bookshelf with her own hands.

It took a whole afternoon.

Until it gets late and night falls.

He narrowed his eyes and said, "President Chu, don't you have any secret account books hidden? Isn't this the only amount of property the Chu family has?"

Chu Junmo was so angry that he could hardly speak: "I'm sorry, the Chu family is so shabby." When reading a book, you still have to find the latest chapter by yourself? You are OUT, follow the public account on WeChat: Youdu Literature or the suduwx beauty editor will help you find books! You really can do both reading and flirting with girls!

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