Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2012 Whose life is a cheap life?

Qianqian Novel Network

The Master of the Medicine Palace knocked on the desk and raised an eyebrow: "That's not right. I have traveled all over the world and searched for three years. There are only two people in the world who need treatment for congenital H-type heart disease. And you are the one. One of them. With your broken body, you can survive for so many years. You should have Heart-Building Grass in your hand to survive without dying, right? But the words "Heart-Building Grass" do not appear in your account book at all... …Do you think I will believe your lies?”

The veins on Chu Junmo's forehead jumped almost imperceptibly.

Heart-building grass!

He does!

However, it was brought from three lives ago, and it can be regarded as a medicinal herb that exists against time and space!

Such a secret herb could actually be discovered by this man. As expected, the master of the Medicine Palace has great magical powers.

However, the effect of heart-building grass cannot be replaced by any medicinal materials, and it is rare in the world. It is one of the necessary medicinal materials to treat his rare heart disease!

Although, he must eventually find the flame blood before he can hope to cure it completely and save his life.

But without the Heart-Building Grass, he might not be able to live until the day when he collects the two pieces of flame blood.

Therefore, he must not hand over the Heart-building Grass!

Chu Junmo swallowed his saliva and said in a deep voice: "Since you just said that there are two surviving patients with H-type heart disease in the world, you might as well ask the other one if he has Heart-Building Grass in his hand! "

The Palace Master of Medicine Palace narrowed his eyes: "No need to ask."

Three words, not a single superfluous word.

Chu Junmo suddenly understood.

The other person with H-type heart disease is probably the person that the Medicine Palace Master wants to save, right? !

So, this man now wants to take the Heart-Building Grass from his hands and save another person's life?


No one’s life is a cheap life. Isn’t this too arrogant?

Chu Junmo's face turned cold: "Although you are the master of the Medicine Palace and the president of the Great Medicine Master Guild, with boundless power and wealth, this does not mean that I, Chu Junmo, will really be afraid of you! Some herbs are not purchased by me and will not be recorded in the account book. They are only recorded in my mind. Frankly speaking, I do have Heart-Building Herb in my hand, but this is my life-saving herb. If you want to take it away, Just take my life. As a human being, I also have the right to live. I, Chu Junmo, will not be so spineless and give up my life to others!"

Chu Junmo secretly moved his wrists and the toes that could not move an inch just now. At this moment, with his continuous efforts to hit the acupuncture points with luck, he broke away from the restraints and could move quietly.

At this moment, Chu Junmo's words were loud and iron-clad, as if he was ready for a desperate fight!

The air was instantly filled with the smell of gunpowder.

Instantly burns!


The next second, the man in the main seat suddenly laughed sarcastically!

Although, he is more gloomy and scary when he smiles than when he doesn't smile.

"Chu Junmo, I think you made a mistake. Do you think the Palace Master of the Medicine Palace needs to take away all your Heart-Building Grasses in order to cure diseases and save people? Haha, you may have some misunderstanding about my abilities! I don't need it You gave me all the herbs at the cost of your death. You only need to give me one, that’s enough!”

"You only want one?" Chu Junmo was doubtful. He couldn't completely trust this man.

If this man knew where the heart-building grass was planted and uprooted all the roots, he would regret it later. Do you need to find the latest chapters by yourself when reading a book? You are OUT, follow the public account on WeChat: Youdu Literature or the suduwx beauty editor will help you find books! You really can do both reading and flirting with girls!

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