Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2013 The woman with flame blood!

Qianqian Novel Network

Seeing Chu Junmo's doubtful expression, the Palace Master of Medicine Palace continued: "You don't need to worry about this, I can cultivate it. I'll give you a minute to think about it. If you hand over a heart-building grass, I can help you get it Flame blood.”

It doesn't take a minute at all.

The next second, Chu Junmo lost his voice and said: "Do you know where the flame blood is? Do you know the whereabouts of the witch doctor tribe?"

"If we can't even find anyone from the witch doctor clan, I, the master of the Medicine Palace, will be a complete failure!" The man snorted, his words quite conceited.

Chu Junmo's breath was stagnant: "So, you want to use flame blood to exchange for a heart-building grass with me?"

If you think about it, this isn’t a bad idea!

He had been pursuing the flame blood for three years, and the only time he came closest to the flame blood was when Wu Er knocked him out.

After that, he never had the chance to see anyone from the witch doctor clan.

The world is so vast, but even if you want to find two pieces of Jun Yan's blood, it will be difficult to reach the sky.

Fortunately, this powerful Medicine Palace Master just needs the Heart-Building Grass and can exchange it with him!

The Palace Master of the Medicine Palace said coldly: "It's not an exchange, I'm giving you a chance to live! If you're not too stupid, you should know that this matter will be beneficial to you without any harm. The Heart-Building Grass is just a herb. The blood is the blood essence that can only be extracted from a living person!"

Chu Junmo pondered: "I know. But the witch doctor clan is a reclusive family. If I give you medicinal herbs, but you can't find the witch doctor for a long time, do I have to wait forever? And witch doctors have always been punished, and I don't Are you willing to sell flame blood easily? If I capture their people by force, I’m afraid the witch doctors will come to your door before the blood is drained! Benefit without any harm? I think there will be endless troubles!"

"Ha." The Palace Master of the Medicine Palace sneered, "Since I have promised you, I can naturally do it for you immediately. If you don't want to capture the witch doctor to attract hatred, the worst thing you can do is not provoke the registered disciples of the witch doctor clan. This imperial capital Within it, in addition to people from the witch doctor clan, there are also people who are not in the clan but have witch doctor blood! Her blood can also be used as flame blood, and it may be hundreds of times more effective than ordinary flame blood. more than!"

"A person who is not from the witch doctor clan but has witch doctor blood?" Chu Junmo was completely shocked.

The master of the Medicine Palace is worthy of being the leader in charge of the great pharmacists in the world.

The intelligence network is really professional and sophisticated.

He never knew that besides the witch doctor clan, there were people with witch doctor blood.

And that person is still in the imperial capital! ! !

"When have I ever told a lie? You don't need to question this. As long as you hand over a heart-building grass, I will capture that person and give it to you. You will raise her for a month and draw 5 pounds of blood every day, which is enough for you to take." When her energy and blood are exhausted, it will be the day of your nirvana and rebirth."

Although the tone of the Palace Master of Medicine Palace was calm, it sounded like a storm to Chu Junmo’s ears!

"Tell me the name of that person, and I will come to him in person to ask for his forgiveness and consent, arrange for his family, pay him heavily, and then take blood!" Chu Junmo made up his mind.

The Palace Master of Medicine Palace gave him a disdainful look.

Just as he was about to say his name, he suddenly tightened his grip on the locator on the desk and his expression changed: "Someone attacked her! How bold!"

After saying that, he frowned and said to Chu Junmo: "Prepare the Heart-Building Grass for me, and come to me after thinking about it! As for asking for forgiveness and consent from the other party... Haha, this is boring! Since you are such a holy mother, why not? If you don’t know how to do it, I can do it for you! Give me medicine with one hand and blood with the other!"

Chu Junmo also wanted to ask for some specific details.

For example, how can the other party determine that he is of flame blood? How old is that person, is he in good health, and what is his occupation?

As a result, the Palace Master of the Medicine Palace did not give him a chance to ask questions.

He just threw down a card with a phone number written on it, and disappeared out of the study window like a fog... Do you still have to find the latest chapter by yourself when reading a book? You are OUT, follow the public account on WeChat: Youdu Literature or the suduwx beauty editor will help you find books! You really can do both reading and flirting with girls!

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