Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2018: Get out with all your strength! roll! roll!

Qianqian Novel Network

A flash of panic flashed in Xiahou Susu's eyes!

vine? !

What the hell is this!

The thick green vines, like snakes with vitality, followed Gu Qiqi's instructions and entangled Xiahou Susu in an instant.

And it gets tighter and tighter.

The vines were still growing, with new vines wrapping around her, layer after layer.

The green leaves brushed against her cheeks, causing her to shiver.

What she thought was "torture" was just a severe beating by Gu Qiqi.

Who would have expected that Gu Qiqi's so-called "torture" would be so unbelievable and terrifying.

Even though Xiahou Susu was well-informed, he almost fainted.

However, she couldn't faint.

Soon, the stinging pain on the back of her hand made her jump and scream: "You, you, what are you going to do!"

"What are you doing? If you are still unwilling to confess, then I will have no choice but to do the experiment myself as I just said." Gu Qiqi replied coldly.

The thin scalpel cut an inch of skin on the back of Xiahou Susu's hand!

Xiahou Susu's pupils shrank!

Suddenly he remembered that he had secretly started recording and could forward it to Gong Jue to complain.

Gu Qiqi abused her with her own hands. How could she just let go of such a great opportunity?

Therefore, she endured the fear and pain, and adjusted her voice back to a weak and panicked lolita tone: "Gu Qiqi, you, you really want to peel off my skin, and then, cruelly, you will see that I am worse than dead." ?"

She deliberately skipped Gu Qiqi's skin peeling to do an experiment to verify whether she was allergic to Gong Jue, and she only peeled a small piece of skin on the back of her hand at most.

On the contrary, she deliberately exaggerated in the recording to mislead that Gu Qiqi wanted to skin her whole body, but the purpose was just to vent her personal anger!

Humph, she didn't believe that after hearing this, Gong Jue wouldn't show mercy to her, or dislike this vicious woman like Gu Qiqi!

When she thought that Gong Jue hated Gu Qiqi, scolded Gu Qiqi angrily, and told Gu Qiqi to get lost, Xiahou Susu felt that nothing in this world was intolerable!

Bear with me!

She gritted her teeth and endured the pain, deliberately made a grunting sound of panic, and kept begging Gu Qiqi.

Gu Qiqi was annoyed to death when she heard: "Xiahou Susu, you don't chirp to me so much. If you annoy me, I will strangle you to death! I advise you to confess to me as soon as you have the strength!"

Xiahou Susu cried: "Qiqi, don't be like this, I'm in pain, wuwuwu..." What she was thinking secretly in her heart was, be more ruthless, the more ruthless Gong Jue will be, the more he will hate you!


She didn't expect that Gu Qiqi would be even more cruel.

The vines wrapped around her like a whip, making her breathless and strangling her body to the point of breaking!

As for Gu Qiqi's scalpel, the blade turned downwards and made a second incision.

The little bitch really wants to peel her skin off.

Xiahou Susu couldn't breathe this time. She fell to the ground with a pop and rolled on the floor.

Gu Qiqi frowned and stood up, kicking her: "Stop pretending to be dead, sister, you haven't used more cruel methods yet. Don't act like I want to kill you! Who are you pretending to?"

Xiahou Susu's eyes rolled around, and she howled in pain a few times, and continued to roll towards the other end of the room with all her strength...

The other end of the room is connected to the balcony. The balcony door is open at the moment and the balcony railing is open.

As long as she exerts her strength, she will surely roll out of the balcony and fall downstairs.

There is a gentle slope downstairs, so she can take advantage of the situation and get out of the yard... A real lady is available online to help you find books and chat with you. Please use WeChat/Search/Search for popular online articles or rdww444 to wait for you~

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