Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2019: Face to face with a powerful man!

Qianqian Novel Network

Of course, Xiahou Susu knew very well that she was tied up by the vines. At this speed, no matter how she rolled, she would not be able to escape Gu Qiqi's clutches in the end.

But, she didn't roll like this just to escape!

Xiahou Susu's eyes flashed, and a hint of calculation came to mind.

Try your best - get out! roll! roll!

Gu Qiqi sneered, watching her rolling on the ground.

The shoes were thrown off, the hair was messed up like a chicken coop, and the face was bumped by the debris on the carpet. The skin was soon bruised and bruised, and it was very embarrassing.

Gu Qiqi was not in a hurry, just like a cat chasing a mouse, following the rolling Xiahou Susu, walking gracefully.

He watched her roll all the way to the back door of the yard.

The grass was flat and Xiahou Susu could no longer roll.

Gu Qiqi raised her eyebrows lightly: "Get out of here, if it can help you wake up, please tell me now, what is your true identity! What do you want to do by pretending to be Gong Jue's childhood sweetheart?!"

Xiahou Susu was about to lose her strength and said feebly: "No...I don't know..."

She finally got out of Xiahou Mansion, which was great.

There was a locator on her body, and the man in the gray leather shoes installed it on her body.

Tonight she should sleep in her room as she was told.

If she leaves the range of the room, the locator alarm will sound on the man's side.

The man will surely come.

Xiahou Susu had hopes and expectations in her heart, and the recording was finished. There was no need to act weak anymore.

She snorted coldly: "Gu Qiqi, if you can, kill me now. I hope you kill me quickly, so that Gong Jue can remember me in his heart for the rest of his life and never forget me forever."

Gu Qiqi narrowed her eyes.

Yo, this woman is starting to show off her face and stop pretending?


Could it be that reinforcements have arrived?


I have to admit that Gu Qiqi's intuition is quite accurate!

The idea just came to me.

Almost the next second, a gust of wind suddenly blew up in the dark night!

Before Gu Qiqi could see anything clearly, Xiahou Susu, who was on the ground, was swept up by the wind and swept directly into the air.

And the vines wrapped around Xiahou Susu's body withered instantly and fell into pieces!

Gu Qiqi felt a pain in her heart and took a few steps back. Her fingertips felt like needle pricks - those vines were planted by her.

If the vines are destroyed, she will suffer the corresponding backlash.

Almost without thinking, Gu Qiqi flipped her palms outward while retreating. She perfectly assumed the stance of Wu Qin Xi. She moved the Heavenly Ape to swing its tail and directly blasted the spiritual power accumulated in her palm towards the opponent!

In the night, Gu Qiqi couldn't see the face of the visitor clearly, or perhaps the visitor deliberately hid his true face. Gu Qiqi could only vaguely see a tall black figure, holding Xiahou Susu, who should be a man.

In this blow, Gu Qiqi used 90% of her strength!

The remaining 10% of the strength is used to stabilize the falling body to avoid falling.

The opponent obviously didn't expect her explosive power to be so strong. With one hand she held Xiahou Susu, who had been knocked unconscious by Gu Qiqi's spiritual energy, and with the other hand she was left to catch Gu Qiqi's attack.

He also took half a step back.

With a cold snort, he didn't want to fight, picked up Xiahou Susu, turned around and disappeared into the night.

"Hmph, we haven't seen each other for three years. Woman, you are very capable. You can actually take one of my moves and counterattack!" The man placed Xiahou Susu on the bed and recalled the few seconds when he and Gu Qiqi had exchanged blows. , his eyes couldn't help but narrowed tightly. Do you need to find the latest chapters by yourself when reading a book? You are OUT, follow the public account on WeChat: Youdu Literature or the suduwx beauty editor will help you find books! You really can do both reading and flirting with girls!

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