Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2032 I want Qiqi, I just want Qiqi!

Qianqian Novel Network

The three words Gu Qiqi were like a thunderbolt exploding in Chu Junmo's ears.

Qiqi is from the witch doctor clan? Do you have witch doctor blood?

No, this is impossible!

There must be a mistake somewhere.

The calmness and calmness that Chu Junmo had always been proud of could no longer be maintained.

He held the phone tightly with one hand, and almost dug it into the mahogany table with the other hand. With a trembling voice, he asked the Palace Master of Medicine Palace: "Is the name you just mentioned Gu Qiqi? Which Gu is it? ?Which Qi?"

The Palace Master of the Medicine Palace frowned impatiently: "I don't know how to write her name! I only know that this woman is a barrister for the Palace Lord!"

Chu Junmo's breath was stagnant.

I originally thought that the possibility of one in ten thousand was that the Palace Master of the Medicine Palace got the name wrong. After all, the world is so big that it is not uncommon for people to have the same name.

However, the other party's words directly killed his lucky idea.

There may be many names like Gu Qiqi in the world, but the only one who can stand side by side with Gong Jue is the Qiqi he has in mind!

Chu Junmo closed his eyes: "I...let me think about it again."

The Palace Master of the Medicine Palace snorted coldly: "You don't have much time to think about it. I'm not a patient person! You can take care of yourself."

After hanging up the phone, Chu Junmo picked up the wine bottle on the table and drank it all in one gulp.

He never dreamed that the flame blood he had tried so hard to find was actually on Gu Qiqi's body.

Qiqi's flame blood was drained, which could save his life.

However, he survived and she died. What was the point of his living?

This is not the ending he wanted!

Fate would really play tricks on him.

Can't we have the best of both worlds?

The waiter in the private room of the tavern saw that Chu Junmo was drinking heavily, and happily kept offering him more wine.

Chu Junmo unknowingly drank one pot after another, drinking who knows how much!

When he staggered out of the tavern and Secretary Jiao drove over to pick him up, everyone was shocked: "President...! President, why are you drinking!"

The CEO has a bad heart and should never drink alcohol!

What's more, the president has always had strong self-control and would never let himself indulge in toys like tobacco and alcohol.

What happened today that made the CEO so drunk?

Chu Junmo waved his hand and lifted his lips drunkenly: "Go away! Don't block me! You villains, all of you deliberately block my way and don't let me get close to Qiqi... I am not as good as you. It means!"

Secretary Jiao had a headache: "President, I'm not blocking your way, can I take you home?"

Chu Junmo rolled his eyes: "What home do you want to go back to! Home is wherever Qiqi is. I want Qiqi!"

Secretary Jiao held up his forehead, "Oh my god, this is the first time in my life that I saw the CEO rolling his eyes!"

The president has always been calm and composed, and his expression management is perfect.

Oh my God, I actually rolled my eyes today!

What made Secretary Jiao even more devastated was that Chu Junmo not only rolled his eyes madly after drinking, but even pulled the steering wheel desperately to change the direction when he was driving: "I want Qiqi! I want Qiqi! You drive to me Go to Qiqi’s house!”

Secretary Jiao is going crazy.

Before going completely crazy, he finally overcame numerous difficulties and dangers and sent Chu Junmo to Gong Jue's villa.

The moon is at the zenith.

Gong Jue and Gu Qiqi were deeply kissing each other in the bedroom, preparing for Dun and Lun affairs, when they suddenly heard a shrill scream from the doorbell downstairs! Do you need to find the latest chapters by yourself when reading a book? You are OUT, follow the public account on WeChat: Youdu Literature or the suduwx beauty editor will help you find books! You really can do both reading and flirting with girls!

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